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  • Contact Person: Karl Liang

How to install and debug FC-7448 Commercial Security Alarm System
Steps for wiring FC-7448 bus-line alarm system

Step one: Purchase cables and power supply devices

Purchase correct cables.
2-wire bus-line cable: cable diameter should be 0.8-1.0mm2 (if wiring distance less than 500m, then 0.5mm2is OK). Cable type is RVVP, for example 2*0.8mm2

Power supply cables

2-wire 12-24V cable with diameter 0.8-1.0mm2

Purchase correct power supply devices
12-24V DC power supply device. The main power consumption device is detectors,especially photoelectric beams detector. Alarm panel power consumption is 50mA at standby status and 500mA at alarm status. Module power consumption is 20mA. Add all devices consumption current and multiplied by 2 to get power supply device power requirement. Multiple power supply devices can be used if the device power is low or the wiring cable is long.
Step two: program the bus-line devices and test the alarm system before installation

Encode all the modules (Note: The code of the module is encoded in binary, that is, all the code on the digital side; ensure no repeat for the codes.)
Wire the module to alarm panel (without detectors). Test with a multimeter to ensure each module all 4-wires are connected with alarm panel and no short-circuit. Red and black wires are power supply of positive and negative terminal.
Parallel connect a 2.2K resistor to each hard-wired zone of alarm panel. Series connect a 47K resistor between black wire and yellow wire of bus-zone module.
Use the bus-driver FC-7430 to enable using of FC-7401 and other bus modules.
Firstly, please - FC-7430 into FC-7448 main board, - a double color 2-wire line on FC-7430 bus port. Positive and negative wiring should be correct and without short circuit. - jumper wire in position of “enable” on FC-7430 board. (Back - the jumper wires to disable after programming finishing.) AC power is supplied for FC-7448.

Set zone quantity and zone functions for FC-7401 bus modules using. Zone address is set from 0039(zone 9) and from 0415. For example, 10 pieces FC-7401 will be used, then set zone function from 0039-0048 and enable using FC-7401 from 0415-0419

Program FC-7401
Without FC-7401 connected, press 9876#0 to enter programming process, then enter 9995#, keyboard displays: Checking
Multiplex Bus

It means inspecting bus interfaces, if failure, please turn off the power and re-enter into programming process. If it is normal, it showed Sens/Contact 009

Press # to Prog

009 means zone 9, you can set the first FC-7401 as zone 9.

If you don’t want to start from zone 9, then press *, it showed Mux Zone

Enter Number and enter 3 digits zone number and re-start from A.

Enter “#”and it showed
Sensor Press 4

Contact Press 6

Now, connect FC-7401 to FC-7430 Bus line two terminals (+, -), that is connected to FC-7448 bus interfaces with red and black 2-wire cable.
Press 4, if normal, it showed
Sens/Contact 010

Press # to Prog

It means zone 9 is programmed and it automatically jump to zone 10

If you want to program next FC-7401 as zone 10, then remove the programmed zone 9 FC-7401 and mark it.

Then program zone 10 FC-7401 and more from step B till all FC-7401 are programmed.

Note: at abnormal status, it will sound “bi, bi, bi” and need to restart. If it keeps abnormal, please change a FC-7401 and from step A to re-start.

If all zones are programmed, it showed

Max Zone

Enter Zone

Press “*” and keep for 3 seconds to quit programming mode. And enter “*” for 3 seconds again to quit program. If there is 24 hours zone set, it may trigger alarm immediately. If so, please press PIN+Off to dis-alarm.

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