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Telpo Became The Member Of Security and Education Association
Source: Telpo

In virtue of outstanding hardware and software, application and resource integration ability, keen market insight, and strong executive force, Telpo has been rooted in the smart IoT industry for years and continuously provide all-in-one solutions to all walks of life that is in line with national policy and industry development trend.

This year is the sixth year that Telpo has become a member of the China Security and Protection Industry Association (CSPIA). The CSPIA was established by the governing body of the Ministry of Public Security of China in 1992, with the aim to improve security industry development fairly and rapidly. The CSPIA members are responsible for more than 80% of China's security business including CCTV, access control, manned security, alarm, biometrics, physical security, video, and audio intercom system, etc, acting as the bridge between governments and enterprises, customers and enterprises.

The China Public Security Expo (CPSE) hosted by the CSPIA has been successfully held for 15 sessions, with the total number of exhibitors exceeding 9500 and the number of professional visitors reaching one million. It is a comprehensive and multi-angle display of the development achievements of the security industry.

Apart from entering the biometric security industry, Telpo also stepped into the education industry. This year, Telpo has officially participated in the China Educational Equipment Industry Association (CEEIA) and became the member unit.

The China Education Equipment Exhibition held by the CEEIA has been successfully held 80 times since 1980. In line with the times, the expo focused on the national policies and education hot spots and promotes the optimization and upgrading of participating enterprises and products. It is known as the wind vane of the education equipment market. It is known as the largest, most influential, and most professional brand exhibition in the educational equipment industry in China and even the world.

As the leading smart terminal and solution provider, Telpo has serviced 120 countries and rolled out a series of smart solutions related to smart community, smart campus, smart construction sites, smart stations, and so on. In the future, Telpo will continue to give full play to its scientific advantages, provide more innovative terminals and solutions, and strive to become a leading IoT enterprise.

Tag: Telpo, CSPIA, CEEIA
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