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How Does Telpo Protect Your Data Privacy?
Source: Telpo
Data protection is crucial for companies as well as consumers. As a responsible and reputable high-tech company, Telpo put customer legitimate rights and data privacy protection at the priority. That is the reason why we strive to make our products and services in line with the GDPR compliance.

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a European privacy law that went into effect in May 2018. It aims to give individuals ability to control over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by harmonizing the regulations within the EU.

Any organization around the world involved in collection, using or processing the personal data of European individuals is covered by the regulation. That means the GDPR will apply to organizations, individual developers and small business owners that process personal data of EU individuals, even if they do not reside in an EU country. Otherwise, they are subject to the maximum penalty (up to EUR 20 million or 4% of the company's global annual turnover)

How Telpo protect data privacy?

With the mission of creating a colorful future life, Telpo deeply understand data privacy is the precondition to make people freely enjoy their life. Driven by this concept, Telpo has set up personal information protection and management system, and Telpo facial recognition products and management platform are conform to the GDPR, where personal data encryption will be hosted at AWS’s (Amazon Web Service) server located at Frankfurt.

According to the Vice President of AWS, all AWS services are compliance with rigorous privacy and data protection standards required by the GDPR, including SOC 1,2, & 3, PCI DSS level 1, ISO 27001, FIPS 140-2,etc. That means, customers can deploy AWS services as a key part of their GDPR compliance program on the basis of enjoying the benefit from all measures that AWS has taken to maintain service security.

Furthermore, the purpose and legal basis of processing data, categories and source of personal data, data disclosure or sharing, cross board transfer, data retention period and data subjects’ rights and the way to exercise their rights are clearly explained in the Telpo Privacy Policy. And according to Telpo’s data management policy and rules, Telpo will maintain source codes of the management platform only, and will not access or download data registered in the platform.
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