How does the P2P work?
Date: 2016/11/29
With LS Vision P2P cameras – use a smartphone, download the app, scan the QR code and start viewing a live feed of the camera. Before P2P came along, cameras used to be a nightmare to setup. Setup the camera, then login to the router and setup a DDNS and open ports to allow access.
P2P stands for "Peer to Peer". It is a technology that makes it simple to link the camera with a smartphone.
In camera speak, there is a P2P ID assigned to each camera. When the smartphone app is opened, it pings the P2P server which in turn looks for the listed device ID and where they are located. If the camera can be pinged, it shows as online, others are offline.
Once the cameras are reached, it creates a direct connection between the app and the camera.
Advantages of P2P technology used in LS Vision IP Cameras
P2P networks are highly stable.
Cheap and affordable
P2P stream can be used to backup data to the cloud
Firewalls need to be disabled putting your network at risk
Linking to the camera can be done in a couple of minutes.
QR code scanning for convenience in linking.
Complete protections and privacy with encrypted video streaming
As server pings the camera, its easy to know when the camera is offline or unreachable.
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