What’s IP Camera?
Date: 2016/10/21
In a world where electronic devices are becoming more ubiquitous, we’ve become curious about things that connect us further. Since ADSL internet connections were left behind in favor of heavier Ethernet and fiber-based alternatives, we’ve seen a strong surge of video products that allow us to communicate with others and watch over things we hold valuable. When you were out on the market for a new webcam, you might have noticed some similar products known as IP cameras. If you’re wondering what those are, you’ve come to the right place!
In short, an IP?camera (video camera) allows you to monitor things and record footage for extended periods. It’s a device that you should be using if you want to protect your home or business. It has many chief differences that set it apart from a webcam, hence the need for a new name. While you can perform many of the functions of an IP?cameraon a webcam, the hassle of doing so – and the lack of quality you get in the picture – makes the webcam less than ideal.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a comparison of performance. Webcams and IP cameras are made simply to serve different functions.These are the primary differences between the two:
Expect a better frame rate with IP cameras. They are made to capture every single movement while minimizing blurs that may cause a court of law to question any videos you may use as evidence.
IP cameras are more focused on rigidity, meaning they’ll be more durable in outdoor conditions. Some have IP67 waterproof certification, which means they’re dust-proof and waterproof.
Most IP cameras are wireless, while most webcams are wired. This allows them to be installed in locations that don’t have computers nearby. Cable length shouldn’t be an issue. IP network cameras can stream video to multiple receivers. You can also control multiple cameras from one computer.
IP cameras have advanced features like low-light optimization and night vision. This allows for night vision long range surveillance. Webcams depend largely on room lighting for the picture.
Tomorrow we will introduce some methods about how to choose a IP Camera. So if you have interests on it, then find me tomorrow.
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