Behind the Calm G20
Date: 2016/09/22
2016 G20 Hangzhou summit has been a perfect ending, G20 summit meeting of the leaders of the G20 summit, G20 summit members of the national GDP of about 85% of the world. One can imagine the extent of security is unusual, So during the summit, the relevant departments to use what security measures?
The key security measures reflected in face recognition surveillance during the summit. In key public areas and installed a large number of high-definition Network Camera for face recognition, by grabbing facial data of people with big blacklist database comparison, if there are dangerous people will appear immediately dispatched arrest. So as to achieve the summit safely.
In addition to installing in key public areas HD network ip camera in the subway and buses, the major gateway also increased the number of HD NVR video Recorder, DVR video recorder camera, high speed dome ptz ip camera, while adding more people concerned about the monitor screen; in the public areas also stepped up patrols of security personnel speak may occur danger nipped in the bud.
In this special thanks to those security personnel in quiet dedication during the G20 summit, you made a more harmonious society and make our motherland better development.
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