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Questions about ATM Surveillance to decrease ATM crime
Source: Jaken Zhu
With the increase of ATM crime, every bank has strengthened the power of video surveillance for ATMs with more special monitoring systems. However, many problems occur and cause confusion to banks and contractors,, which have never happened with general surveillance machine due to the particularity of ATM surveillance. We provide you here with some usual questions and resolutions to help user improve their systems and monitoring mode to bring the particular action of ATM surveillance into full play.

Q1: What about the working area of ATM surveillance? How many webcams does it need?
A: The working area can be the front face of the watched person, out the notes and area with notes. The webcam for the face of watched person is mainly used to obtain the front image of cardholders or criminals. The webcam for out the notes films to get the out of the notes or the suspected situation of it. The webcam for the area with notes watches the action of notes assignment. The webcams for out of notes and with notes should be often in automatic switching mode, so the actual recording should be with 2 channels while fitted with 3 webcams. However, with the change of financial security situation, public security departments have recently come out the requirements with 5 webcams, which are mainly aimed at the surrounding of ATMs. That is to say, 2 more channels of camera for surrounding are necessary (each covers 90 degree of angel, 2 channels cover 180 degree) to realize a full view coverage, which can avoid dead end of surveillance to provide more comprehensive proof for obtaining evidences afterwards. 5 webcams are necessary for this method. The recorder uses 4 channels actually.

Q2: Why should the image of PIN pad be shielded?
A: Most of webcams for out of notes can obtain the image of pad due to the particular conformation of ATMs. As a result, the image of PIN input can be recorded. To prevent employees of banks from committing fraud, the image of pad must be shielded to avoid the security flaws left for the future.

Q3: Why should overlay the card number besides time and date? How can get the card number?
A: There are several reasons for that: 1. Only the bank card number is overlaid on the front image of the cardholder can it prove directly that this is the right person to withdraw notes, which is the most straight and effective proof for the evidence in courts afterwards. 2. It also becomes easy for late video search by overlaying bank card number; otherwise, it makes great trouble to find the recording about the disputed card after several months. Now most use the special hardware to read from the card reader as the obtaining of card number comes down to financial security issues. The form of obtaining card number via internet has been forbidden by banks consequently.

Q4: Why should some banks fit SMS (short message) alarm module?
A: Because SMS Alarm Module has advantages of real-time, cost-saving and convenience. The alarm can be sent to someone’s mobile phone once there is attack against ATM, which offers the possibility to deal with such problems immediately.

Q5: Why should we add buttons of emergency on ATMs? What about the function of these buttons?
A: As the surrounding for money withdrawing is particular, once customers feel dangers exiting or need help when withdrawing money from bank accounts, they can conveniently and secretly press the emergency buttons fitted with operational panel of ATM and call security workers to deal with such problems or energize sound and light alarm unit to stop the possible serious incidents happening in time. Thus the button can improve the prevention ability of banks to maintain banks’ reputation. Button usually has the function of conversation, automatic broadcast and energizing alarm unit.

Q6: How to do with the crash of surveillance host?
A: There could be crash when being used no matter it is embedded host or PC model, which result in the impossibility of evidences obtaining. From the aspect of products, nothing can be perfect. Moreover, factors that can bring about crash are complicated. There are many occasions when we find it ok again after we turn off and on the electric switch when the crash happens. Reasonable proportion of crashes can be allowed. However, most surveillance hosts are 24-hour system without anyone on guard. Additionally, considering the security issue, most banks don’t permit ATM surveillance system to be connected into their network. So it has been already too late to deal with it at the moment when we find crash happening.
Tips: Fitted with a special host watchdog for the ATM, which can cut off and switch on the power for the surveillance host. Once the watchdog can’t restart the host, it can energize the alarm system to notify the personnel of maintenance in time

Q7: Which way does ATM use to energize recording?
Q: ATMs mainly use human activity detector, vibration detector or vibration sensor with supporting of image motion detector to energize recording.

Q8: How to do when parts of front have been shielded?
A: As ATM surveillance has been widely used, many suspects also know that ATMs are fitted with surveillance systems and they should shield all the webcam in case the systems energize the alarm. Recently many incidents have happened with shielding parts of webcam, which invalidates the surveillance system. The combination of human activity detector and image motion detector can be directed effectively against this new type of criminal way.

Q9;Why should we combine the front image and out of notes image into one when recording?
A: Many disputes can occur when the court is getting evidences if it records separately. The combination of front image and out of notes image can be evidences more directly, reliably and effectively without the necessity of reasoning in dispute.

Nanjing Yuantuo Tech Co.,Ltd is responsible for all above answers.
If you have any other queries or needs to solve your surveillance problems, welcome to contact us by email:
or by Tel:-86-025-52231209-809.
Contact person: Ms. Amy Sze
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