Coldstore - A High Capacity, High Reliability, and Energy Saving Network Storage Solution
Key Specifications
Coldstore was designed specifically for high-resolution digital video surveillance systems. This revolutionary storage system uses patented LAIDTM (Linear Array of Idle Disks) and SFSTM (Sequential Filing System) technology. By reducing the number of hard disks running by 87% with the writing of data sequentially, Coldstore not only lowers power consumption by as much as 80% but also the rate of hard disk failure, producing the most reliable storage solution on the market today.
* Eliminates the risk of dual HDD failure associated with RAID-5
* Reduces data reading/writing by 87% to prolong the lifespan of your HDDs
* Requires no rebuild time in the event of HDD failure providing continuous high performance
* Runs over 30TB of storage on a measly 50 W on standard SATA disks
* Records sequentially for easy data retrieval