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Improve airport operations with AI

Improve airport operations with AI
Airports face a range of operational challenges that can impact safety and the passenger experience. This article looks at some of the operational challenges facing airports and how they can be addressed with advanced technologies such as AI.
Needless to say, security is critical for airports. But airports also face a range of operational challenges that can impact safety and the passenger experience. This article looks at some of the operational challenges facing airports and how they can be addressed with advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

Passenger flow management

Passenger flow management represents a huge operational challenge for airports amid increased travelers and budget constraints. Mismanagement in this regard may result in, for example, passengers getting stuck in the check-in line 30 minutes before departure, which definitely sours the user experience. AI can help in this regard.

“Airports face operational challenges such as managing passenger flow, optimizing staffing levels, and avoiding congestion. AI-driven video technology, using the data contained and consolidated by a Video Management System (VMS) makes it simple for leaders to spot efficiency areas and inform strategies such as maintenance and scheduling based on footfall or other data,” said Kevin Müller, Sales Director for the Nordics at Milestone Systems. “Heatmaps and visuals around peak times, passenger flow, queueing, and more can help with resource allocation, reducing wait times, mitigating bottlenecks and providing a better airport experience from check-in to gate.”
“Airports are dealing with increasing passenger volumes but often have cost controls placed on them. AI can help determine the correct management of resources at airports to meet passenger needs, which is not a steady state. For example, predictive models based on historical histograms of passenger demand can help to detect queue build up so that you can have dynamic routing in place, or alert management to open up more desks,” said Noah Price, International Academy Director at G4S.

Baggage handling

Avoiding baggage claim delays and getting luggage to passengers in the quickest manner is another operational challenge for airports. Indeed, nothing would be more taxing and annoying than getting off the plane and clearing immigration quickly, only to wait for an hour or so for the luggage to come out. In this regard, advanced technologies can help as well.
For example, in their case study with the Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport, Genetec addressed the bag claim delay issue by integrating their flight information display system with the Genetec Airport Operations Module, with which airport operators can track when a plane reaches the gate and when the baggage handler swipes their card at the carousel. If more than 30 minutes pass between the plane's arrival and the badge scan, operator gets an alert and can dispatch the team to address the issue accordingly.
Meanwhile, AI can help with predictive maintenance, whereby the system can predict when baggage handling systems or equipment might fail. This way, proactive repairs can be achieved, and downtime reduced.

Management of data silos

Another major operational challenge facing airports is the management of data silos. “Airports generate vast amounts of data daily – from flight schedules to baggage handling and security systems to operations – but this data often resides in isolated systems. The lack of integration hinders collaboration between departments, slows response times, and reduces overall operational efficiency,” said Jared Mossman, Account Executive for Airports at Genetec.
Intelligent automation solutions can help overcome this challenge. “Intelligent automation, as exemplified by systems like Genetec Mission Control, enables airports to streamline operations by automating routine tasks and synthesizing data from multiple sources. For instance, integrating an Airport Operational Database (AODB) with security platforms allows operators to receive real-time alerts about canceled flights or gate changes and respond accordingly by reallocating resources or coordinating staff,” Mossman said.

Energy management and sustainability

Finally, airports are huge consumers of energy. According to statistics, each year airports consume up to 180 million kWh in electricity, and the airport terminal consumes about 60 percent of that usage. At the same time, airports are faced with increasing pressure to reduce energy usage and minimize environmental impact. This operational challenge again can be addressed with AI, which can optimize heating, cooling, and lighting in airports by predicting energy needs based on factors like weather and traffic, reducing unnecessary consumption. AI can also analyze airport operations to identify areas where waste can be reduced, recycling improved and carbon emissions lowered.

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