In this article, we look at how Dahua contributes to a greener world with its innovative solutions and digital intelligence, actively practicing “Tech for Good.”
Undeniably, the earth is suffering from a range of environmental issues that are worsening each day. Global warming is progressing at a rapid pace. Biodiversity declines are also accelerating. Addressing these issues has become quite urgent and requires the concerted efforts by government and private sectors alike. More and more, companies and enterprises are incorporating the concepts of carbon reduction and sustainability into their environment, social and governance (ESG) guidelines to help save the earth.
Dahua Technology, a world-leading video-centric AIoT solution and service provider, has caught up with this trend. In 2023, Dahua joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative to promote global sustainable development. Focusing on green products, green manufacturing, green logistics and green living, Dahua leverages its expertise in video surveillance, AI and IoT to help end user clients engage in various environmental-related initiatives. These range from monitoring endangered species to combating water pollution. In the process, Dahua has helped thousands of industries develop greenly, healthily and sustainably. In this article, we look at how Dahua contributes to a greener world with its innovative solutions and digital intelligence, actively practicing “Tech for Good.”
Revolutionizing fire safety inspection at solar farm
Photovoltaic plants produce solar power, a green energy. However, for mountain photovoltaic plants, fires can easily occur due to these areas being grassy and the possibility of nearby wildfire spreading over. Fire safety therefore becomes critical. In this regard, Dahua provides its intelligent fire safety solution to a Yunlin Province PV plant located in an area so remote, staff need to climb steel hills to reach the solar panels and conduct manual inspection. Things have significantly improved thanks to Dahua’s solution, which includes dual lens cameras enabling uninterrupted online inspections; algorithms determining whether there is smoke or fire in each area; and the ability to send fire alarm information and the fire point location to relevant personnel in real-time. With the solution, the efficiency of fire alarm response has improved by 30 percent, and inspection time is significantly reduced. “The plant inspection that usually takes one month can now be completed in less than 10 minutes. I couldn't even think that it’s possible before,” said Mr. Cai, inspector at the power station.

Biodiversity protection
According to a World Wide Fund for Nature report, the population sizes of mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians have experienced a decline of an average of 68 percent between 1970 and 2016. Protecting endangered species, therefore, has become a priority for governments and conservationists across the globe. Monitoring endangered animals to further study their habits and behavior is a key aspect in this regard. However, manual monitoring can be challenging, as these animals hardly stay still. The use of video surveillance, then, can be quite helpful. That said, Dahua works with the Bawangling National Nature Reserve on Hainan Island, China, in their Hainan gibbons conservation effort. Dahua’s smart cameras can quickly identify gibbons and take pictures, allowing staff to observe these creatures up close without disturbing them. Dahua has also integrated into these cameras a highly-sensitive motion algorithm, which is trained continuously through the Dahua AI platform to accurately identify and collect images of fast-moving gibbons based on their hair color, movements and habits. Aside from the Hainan gibbons project, Dahua has helped over 1,000 nature reserves across China protect the habitats of more than 50 endangered species, actively engaging in its “Tech for Good” practices to aid biodiversity protection and restoration with its digital technologies and intelligent solutions.
Combating water pollution with AIoT
Water pollution has become a severe problem across the globe. Take the U.K., for example. The Science Times reported that only 14 percent of England's rivers were classified as ecologically “good” in 2022, with companies discharging untreated sewage into English waterways for a combined total of more than 2.5 million hours in 2021. The report concludes that AIoT-based pollution monitoring may be a viable solution, citing Dahua’s success story of leveraging AIoT to assist a Chinese province to realize intelligent visual monitoring of the discharge of more than 800 key pollution enterprises. To this, Dahua reaffirmed the value of AIoT as a means for pollution monitoring. “Through the integration of video AI and IoT sensing application technology, thereby achieving the intelligent monitoring and early warning of various scenarios, Dahua has prevented the occurrence of various incidents such as illegal discharge and excessive discharge; and accelerated the transformation of pollution prevention from post-event processing to proactive early warning and prevention,” a Dahua spokesperson said.
Intelligent Campus
Finally, when it comes to protecting the environment, Dahua leads by its own example. The company’s Intelligent Campus, for instance, is largely powered by solar energy and comes equipped with an adaptive eco-friendly air conditioning system and an intelligent lighting system; this allows average annual energy savings of 15 to 20 percent, saving an equivalent of 628 tons of standard coal and reducing carbon emissions by 1,696 tons. Further, Dahua has upgraded its semi-finished product warehouse into an 8,000-square meter dark factory, allowing unmanned warehouse operations in a lights-out environment and yielding a monthly energy savings of 7,000 kWh on average. Finally, Dahua designs its products in line with its energy saving goals and adheres to its packaging reduction strategy using an in-house, thin-film composite packaging technology that lowers packaging material usage by up to 40 percent.
Practitioner in environmental sustainability
The aforementioned case studies deeply reflect Dahua’s commitment to reducing carbon footprints and contributing to a greener society. Over the years, the company has actively explored application scenarios for its energy-saving products, adopted sustainable design in its portfolio and promoted the application of green solutions to help reduce carbon emissions. Amid growing awareness over the environment, Dahua has indeed proven itself to be a practitioner in innovation and environmental sustainability in the global technology industry.