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These things make hybrid cloud video attractive

These things make hybrid cloud video attractive
To some users, pure cloud has certain shortcomings. In this sense, the so-called hybrid cloud architecture can give end users the benefits of both on-prem and cloud solutions.
More and more, cloud-based video surveillance is gaining traction. However, to some users, pure cloud has certain shortcomings. In this sense, the so-called hybrid cloud architecture can give end users the benefits of both on-prem and cloud solutions.
One of the most important and observable trends in video surveillance nowadays is a migration towards cloud. This of course contrasts with the on-premises model in which video data captured by the cameras are stored in an onsite NVR. With cloud, the end user only has to deploy cameras that transmit video to the cloud service provider.
This offers various advantages. For starters, instead of buying expensive storage equipment onsite, the user pays a service fee to have video stored in the cloud. Also, cloud is scalable. Rather than being constrained by the number of available channels on the NVR, the user can freely add or reduce cameras that are connected to the cloud. Further, cloud is perceived to be more secure against hacking and cyber threats.
These advantages make the video-as-a-service model attractive to end users. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the VSaaS market is expected to be worth US$5.93 billion by 2022, at a compound annual growth rate of 22 percent between 2017 and 2022. “Factors such as low initial investment required to avail VSaaS services, increasing demand for real-time and remote access for video surveillance data, and flexible scalability offered by VSaaS would provide ample growth opportunities for the VSaaS market in the future,” the report said.

Hybrid solution strengths

Despite the benefits cloud offers, a pure cloud solution has certain limitations that need to be addressed. For one, some end users don’t necessarily want to have all video footage stored off-site. These may include certain military sites or government agencies which are required by law to keep certain footage on-premises.
Further, pure cloud relies heavily on the Internet. A network stoppage will cause the video transmission to stop. Also, the cameras continuously transmit video to the cloud; this will constrain network resources significantly.
That said, there’s an increasing demand for hybrid cloud solutions, which offer the following advantages that are quite appealing to certain end users.


A hybrid cloud solution allows the user to store certain video onsite and others in the cloud, providing flexibility. “From a flexibility standpoint, hybrid systems allow customers to use inexpensive local storage for video archiving and less high-value video, while enjoying the benefits of the cloud for high-value video,” said Tom Buckley, Co-Founder of Qumulex. “Additionally, due to regulatory, insurance or other reasons, some customers have cameras in classified or sensitive areas that they don’t want to store in the cloud, yet want to utilize the same system to utilize the remainder of the cameras in the cloud.”


For end users who have certain budget constraints, they might find hybrid solutions more ideal. “Most, if not all customers want to have their video stored in the cloud; however if the resolutions and retention requirements create a situation where the solution becomes cost-prohibitive, they’ll usually opt for a hybrid environment,” said Dean Drako, Founder and CEO of Eagle Eye Networks. “Hybrid solutions significantly reduce the operational cost of the system because we are pushing all the processing and storage requirements to the edge, thus limiting the amount of resources needed in the cloud, and the cost associated.”


Hybrid solutions also offer certain measures to ensure the video system’s security. “From a cybersecurity standpoint, hybrid cloud systems utilize on-premises gateways which act as cybersecurity firewalls, enabling the customer to utilize the cameras of their choice without having to worry about each camera’s individual cybersecurity variations,” Buckley said.

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