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Bosch's Prasensa racks now built, certified and delivered in the UK & Eire

Bosch's Prasensa racks now built, certified and delivered in the UK & Eire
Bosch Building Technologies has announced a new service for custom built voice alarm and public address rack systems for customers in the UK and Ireland.
Bosch Building Technologies has announced a new service for custom built voice alarm and public address rack systems for customers in the UK and Ireland. The UK-based service will ensure faster dispatch of systems to local customers as well as providing a more convenient location and quicker travel time for elements like Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT). This offering is aimed at companies that have an occasional need to supply a compliant voice alarm system.

The service will meet the increasing demand for Praesensa PA/VA systems in these markets. Praesensa is an advanced IP-based public address and voice alarm system that uses a smart power concept and integrated redundancies, making it perfect for both centralized and decentralized topologies. The system provides high-quality audio for music or messaging to every area in a building and is controlled via an intuitive graphical user interface on the call station touchscreen, or via personalized software running on a tablet or PC.

Breaking new ground

Bosch Building Technologies already offers custom rack building out of its EMEA headquarters in Straubing, Germany, but this is the first time there has been a dedicated service in the UK. The approved partner will build fully compliant racks, including all required software programming, certification and deliver them with a complete set of CAD wiring schematics, installation manuals and health & safety documentation. This includes the design and build of a bespoke system rack or racks based on the information provided by the installer. 

The racks will be tested prior to dispatch to ensure it meets all the relevant requirements and provide the necessary rack label to affix after complete installation. If required, customers can witness this process at a FAT. The customer will receive the rack ready to connect to the mains power, site wiring and loudspeaker lines to complete the installation.  

Full support

This new service offer dedicated for customers in the UK and Ireland will ensure the same precision, first-class rack build, accompanied by all the necessary manuals and certificates. There is also the capability to add any bespoke components that may be required such as specialist microphones and other accessories. Additional offerings such as onsite commissioning, training and checking of sound pressure levels once the system is installed are also available.

The racks are mounted and wired in a rugged and rated enclosure. Batteries are included and delivered on a separate pallet with the accessories, installation instructions and complete documentation to ensure a smooth installation.

“There is a large and growing demand for the Praesensa IP-based public address and voice alarm system in the UK and Ireland,” states Adam Osborne, Country Sales Manager UK and Ireland at Bosch. “Custom rack building in our region will provide a real benefit to companies that occasionally need to supply a compliant PA/VA system. Bringing the manufacture of these racks closer to our customers will help us to speed up delivery times and ensure a better local service for these certified racks.”

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