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Evolving security management: how ZKTeco's ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Solution meets modern requirements

Evolving security management: how ZKTeco's ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Solution meets modern requirements
The introduction of this hybrid solution reflects the evolving requirements in the physical security sector, particularly in the context of increased digital transformation and remote work trends.
As demand for remote operability and enhanced data protection continues to rise, ZKTeco has introduced the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution. This system unites the dependability of traditional offline security services with the agile capabilities of cloud technologies.

The introduction of this hybrid solution reflects the evolving requirements in the physical security sector, particularly in the context of increased digital transformation and remote work trends.’s 2022 survey of access control customers showed that the hybrid cloud was increasingly becoming an attractive proposition to customers.

Designed with the modern enterprise in mind, hybrid cloud solutions offer a powerful combination of solid security enforcement and the agility to adapt to diverse operational needs. This article explores the features of ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution, compliance standards, and strategic benefits, highlighting its role in modern security management.

Why ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution

ZKTeco crafted the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution to meet the changing demands of businesses and to align with the latest developments in security technology. This move was spurred by a wider embrace of cloud-based platforms, heightened attention to cybersecurity, and the ongoing transition to remote working setups.

“Central to the development of this hybrid solution was the need to balance the benefits of cloud computing with security considerations,” explained Je Yang, Product Director at ZKTeco. “Businesses today seek the scalability and stability provided by cloud solutions but often face challenges with cybersecurity risks. The ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution addresses this by offering a hybrid model that integrates the advantages of both cloud-based and on-premise systems. This approach provides a viable solution for businesses looking for scalable, secure, and cost-effective security options.”

Additionally, the solution’s design emphasizes data security and compliance, which are critical factors in the security sector. Robust security features ensure a secure option for companies that need to maintain on-premise infrastructure for data protection. The increased demand for remote access in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic further justifies the need for such a hybrid solution, offering secure and convenient cloud-based access to systems and data.

ZKBio CVSecurity key features and innovations

The ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution addresses several core operational demands for heightened security and remote management capabilities. Here are some of the key features:

Enhanced stability and speed:
Leveraging the Minerva IoT cloud founded on Amazon Cloud, the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution offers stability powered by a vast network of servers. Additionally, it features high connection speeds, facilitating rapid response and management actions.

Robust security measures:
The system ensures high security through encrypted communication channels using TLS 1.2 and data protection with AES256 and RSA2048 encryption standards. These measures provide a secure environment against cyber threats.

This cloud-based platform can support almost unlimited users and devices, which caters to the growth of businesses without necessitating substantial infrastructure modifications.

Real-time monitoring and control:
Administrators can perform real-time monitoring and execute remote actions such as opening and lockdown of doors and canceling alarms. This feature is crucial for immediate response to security incidents.

Remote lock-down:
In emergency scenarios, administrators can enforce a preconfigured response, locking down all doors within a particular plan with a single click, which underscores the system's ability to quickly adapt to critical situations.

Online visitor registration:
The system streamlines visitor management by enabling administrators to register visitors remotely, reducing approval procedures, and allowing seamless visitor access using secure, scrambled QR codes.

Real-time alert system:
The solution provides instant notifications to administrators during on-site abnormal situations, enhancing the overall security response time.

Data synchronization:
A feature set to be introduced soon will allow users to employ Minerva IoT cloud as a cloud backup, akin to services like Google Cloud and iCloud. It will offer upload-only, download-only, and two-way sync options to maintain data integrity and availability.

Security and compliance aspects

The ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution places a strong emphasis on data security and privacy. It adheres to internationally recognized standards, including ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and ISO 27017.

“These certifications signify compliance with stringent protocols for information security management, privacy information management systems, and cloud service security,” Yang said. “Such adherence ensures that the solution meets global benchmarks for data protection and privacy. For encryption, the solution employs TLS1.2, AES256, and RSA2048 standards. TLS1.2 safeguards communication channels, preventing unauthorized data interception. AES256 is used for securing data at rest, offering high-level security against breaches. RSA2048 is utilized for secure data transmission, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected during transit.”

Moreover, the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution is GDPR compliant, reflecting the company’s commitment to user information protection. GDPR compliance indicates that the solution adheres to the stringent data protection and privacy regulations set by the European Union, which are considered some of the most rigorous in the world.

Advantages for systems integrators and technical support

For systems integrators, the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution offers several advantages, including the potential for recurring revenue through its subscription-based model. This approach not only ensures a steady income stream but also provides opportunities for offering value-added services.

“Other benefits include value-added services, scalability, reduced maintenance costs, and increased customer retention,” Yang said. “By offering the ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution, system integrators can position themselves as providers of cutting-edge solutions, thus enhancing their market reputation and attracting more business.”

Furthermore, ZKTeco supports integrators with comprehensive technical assistance. This support includes plug-and-play functionality for easy setup, detailed operation guides for smooth operation, and instructional videos that provide visual, step-by-step guidance, ensuring that integrators can effectively deploy and maintain the solution.


The ZKBio CVSecurity Hybrid Cloud Solution represents a significant, inevitable advancement in the modern security landscape, blending flexibility, scalability, and robust data protection. Its ability to address various customer pain points, from ease of access to regulatory compliance, makes it a vital tool for businesses adapting to today's digital challenges.

Systems integrators also benefit from its versatile and supportive framework. The solution represents an opportunity to deliver cutting-edge options to their clients, complete with the potential for recurring revenue and expanded service offerings. This hybrid model not only meets the current demand for scalable and secure platforms but also equips integrators with a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving market.

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