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SafeSite takes on COVID-19 with protocol-oriented testing

SafeSite takes on COVID-19 with protocol-oriented testing
Mobile labs will deploy nationwide to conduct rapid-response, data-driven COVID-19 testing, helping schools, universities and businesses open safely.
SafeSite, the medical diagnostic, mobile laboratory company, has scaled its west coast-based testing model nationally to help schools, universities, and businesses safely and responsibly reopen. Working with new logistics partner Live Media Group, SafeSite will expand their deployment of mobile laboratories that perform rapid response COVID-19 testing, along with a data-driven personal tracking and contact tracing platform. 
SafeSite was formed by an assembly of medical professionals, all frustrated with the lack of cohesive and reliable COVID-19 testing procedures. SafeSite CEO Lauren Rogen Sexton sees an opportunity to change this through a truly protocol-oriented approach that provides results in less than one hour. 
SafeSite’s protocol-oriented approach includes creating custom on-site mobile laboratories that give medical personnel a secure environment to administer tests and yield conclusive diagnoses. Applying a multi-pronged approach, SafeSite uses multiple diagnostic methodologies, employing RT-PCR, isothermal amplification and antigen tests. Results are produced on-site in less than one hour, eliminating the risk of an attendee’s exposure between testing and arrival to a location or venue.
“There is an immediate need from the community level all the way to nationwide partners for a protocol that is mobile facilities-based, repetitive and rapid in response. After listening for months to advice from a number of medical and industry experts, including Bill Gates, I took it upon myself to do something instead of sitting ideally by waiting for an effective plan. It is essential to apply multiple diagnostic methods, using the most rigorous FDA-approved tests in combination with an appropriate protocol to safely and confidently reopen schools, companies, sports and entertainment venues,” said Sexton. 
The company’s propriety technology platform, SafeSite-PASS, is used by each organization and individual, providing QR Code-based touchless functionality with historical data of all test results stored within user profiles. SafeSite-PASS is a valuable resource for organizations seeking a HIPAA-compliant mobile technology for health monitoring that securely delivers a COVID-19-free business, school or venue location. Beyond a bubble environment, venue setting or group use case, SafeSite-PASS can eventually be used in the general community as evidence of an individual’s health status as well as an effective and productive tracking and tracing tool. 
Live Media Group is a natural partner for SafeSite given its extensive corporate, sports and entertainment production expertise, mobile facilities and logistics experience. This will help SafeSite meet the demand from many clients and verticals, beyond its existing west coast region and headquarters and direct to more populations throughout the United States.
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