“As community spread is detected in more and more countries, the world moves closer toward meeting the third criteria, worldwide spread of the new virus,” said the CDC.
COVID-19 has affected more than one hundred countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan) until March 13, 2020, according to the data from “worldometers.info”.
"As community spread has been detected in more countries, the world moves closer toward meeting the highest alert-level criteria, due to the rapid worldwide spread of the new virus," said the CDC. In some Asian countries, such as Japan and China, it's not uncommon to see people wearing surgical masks in public to protect against pathogens and pollution. The developing situation may lead to people in other countries and regions to consider wearing face masks as protective measures, to prevent catching the potentially fatal COVID-19. Therefore bringing a challenging question, how to proceed in making successful and fast face recognition for those people wearing face masks?
People wearing face masks
China's facial recognition systems are evolving to recognize people with partially covered faces as the COVID-19 outbreak has prompted a huge increase in the number of people wearing masks. The upgrades now allows the computer system to identify people wearing face masks.
Face recognition
JIESHUN is one of China's facial recognition product suppliers which currently implements face mask recognition on the original autonomous face recognition algorithm. It can identify different types of mask wearers without removing the mask. The anti-epidemic version of
JIESHUN Y10 also continues the previous anti-spoofing function, that is, it can easily distinguish fake photos such as paper photos, mobile phone photos, and artificial videos, and realize face recognition 24 hours a day. It can be used in an all-weather environment.
Y10 facial recognition
With the techinical update able to support identifying people wearing masks, people can continue their daily routine without removing their masks during the pandemic, and security guards can continue to achieve high-level security control.
Product Adopted:Biometrics