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How AI on the edge helps with factory security and safety

How AI on the edge helps with factory security and safety
Needless to say, one of the big trends in security is AI on the edge, which entails the processing of data via AI-based analytics at the edge level. This carries benefits for end users in different verticals, including manufacturing.
Needless to say, one of the big trends in security is AI on the edge, which entails the processing of data via AI-based analytics at the edge level. This carries benefits for end users in different verticals, including manufacturing.
Edge computing has become a popular concept due to its various benefits, including bandwidth optimization and reduced latency time, allowing decisions to be made in a quicker and more instantaneous manner. Applications are found in various verticals including retail and healthcare.
In manufacturing, AI on the edge can also benefit end user organizations, which can use cameras embedded with advanced analytics to achieve various purposes.
One is security, which is of paramount importance in a factory setting. Intruders breaking into the premises can cause danger to the well-being of employees as well as damage to production, which in turn will cost manufacturers significantly. In this regard, AI on the edge can come in handy. “For example, face recognition can prevent unauthorized access. Apps can also be used to detect unusual human behavior or extraordinary events, and corrective measures can be initiated before a danger arises,” said Thomas Lausten, CEO of MOBOTIX.
In terms of safety, operators can also rely on cameras armed with various analytics for example flame, smoke and fall detection. Further, AI cameras can also be used to monitor machines and equipment and report any anomaly once detected, thus allowing the operator to respond accordingly. “They can help to reduce machine downtime, which makes a decisive contribution to more effective production,” Lausten said.

Standing out amid competition

Sensing the AI on the edge trend in manufacturing, companies have rolled out various solutions to suit this trend. MOBOTIX, for example, has recently announced the MOBOTIX 7 platform which consists of cameras capable of supporting different AI analytics. “We came up with the solution because we listened carefully to our customers and studied future trends in the market where we believe artificial intelligence and data security becomes even more important,” Lausten said.
According to Lausten, there are certain features that make the platform standout. One is openness, whereby the camera can support not only MOBOTIX’s own analytics – including AI Fire and AI Smoke that can benefit manufacturer users – but also ones that users develop on their own to meet their own needs. “A camera today will be possible to upgrade with artificial intelligence developed in the future. If there are requirements that we do not know yet, the software can be adapted flexibly via new apps. This means that companies benefit from us by not using a product off the shelf, but by receiving a solution that exactly meets their needs,” he said.
The cameras meanwhile are fully toughened against harsh environments that are hallmarks of manufacturing facilities. “All of the hardware and system software is ‘Made in Germany.’ The design and surfaces are optimized so that the compact cameras can be used indoors and outdoors, in any environment. All cameras have already been extensively tested under extreme heat and cold before delivery.” Lausten said.
Finally, the AI-on-the-edge nature of the solution reduces chances of cyberattacks. “The entire video analysis and recording takes place in the camera … the autonomous IoT cameras transmit the images to the network only when relevant events occur. And all this is securely encrypted according to the highest standards. Customers are as such less exposed to network failures or cyber security attacks compared to central solutions,” Lausten said.

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