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Phl energy plan to be updated by year end

Phl energy plan to be updated by year end
The Philippine Government is looking to launch an updated Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) by the end of the year to take into account developments such as industry capacity and climate change. “We are working on a draft of the updated PEP right now and we are going to present it to Secretary [Carlos Jericho L.] Petilla
The Philippine Government is looking to launch an updated Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) by the end of the year to take into account developments such as industry capacity and climate change.

“We are working on a draft of the updated PEP right now and we are going to present it to Secretary [Carlos Jericho L.] Petilla hopefully this February,” said Jesus T. Tamang, Energy Policy and Planning Bureau chief.

“We are hoping to launch in December because our target is to submit the plan to the Office of the President by September,” he added.

This would be the second revision of the PEP, which originally spanned 2009 to 2030.

The PEP will take into account existing generation capabilities and latest estimates on needed capacities to meet the country's growing demand.

Given a spate of natural calamities “we are [also] going to factor in climate change adaptation programs for the energy sector so that we will be more resilient and in any situation, we will have energy supply.”

In December 2012, the Energy department announced that a total of $70 billion worth of investments was required to develop the 11,400 megawatts (MW) of power needed to meet demand until 2030.

As of end-2011, the country only had 16,163 MW of installed capacity and another 1,766.7 MW was expected to come via projects.

“We are just updating and giving new inputs. Still, all the previous projects that have been introduced will be continuously implemented,” he said.

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