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Crestron partners with Google Assistant to deliver intuitive voice control of custom home automation

Crestron partners with Google Assistant to deliver intuitive voice control of custom home automation
Crestron has partnered with Google Assistant for expanded voice control of Crestron’s unparalleled whole-home systems. Crestron Technology Professionals (CTPs) can now easily integrate customer systems with the popular Google Assistant to activate Crestron lighting controls using simple speech commands.
Crestron has partnered with Google Assistant for expanded voice control of Crestron’s unparalleled whole-home systems. Crestron Technology Professionals (CTPs) can now easily integrate customer systems with the popular Google Assistant to activate Crestron lighting controls using simple speech commands. Crestron and Google are currently in collaboration on the second phase of integration, which will enable voice control of complete Crestron home automation systems, including the one-of-a-kind custom scenes only Crestron can provide.

With Crestron and Google Assistant working together, homeowners can use voice commands to create the perfect lighting for any occasion, whether its dimming a chandelier for an intimate dinner party or turning off lights around the house when its time for bed. To activate Crestron lighting controls, users simply speak commands to the nearest Google Assistant; for instance, “Ok Google, turn on the kitchen lights.”

“Lighting control is an exciting first step in the Crestron + Google Assistant partnership, but it’s just the beginning,” said John Clancy, VP of Residential Systems at Crestron. “Homeowners will ultimately have the ability to use voice commands with Google Assistant to control all of their world-class Crestron technology, including lights, shades, AV, HVAC, security and much more. Collaborating with a proven technology leader such as Google ensures the outstanding user experience Crestron customers expect.”

Technical resources are now available to Crestron Technology Professionals to streamline integration of Google Assistant into customer systems.
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