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Axis IP cameras perform surveillance over traffic on R2 highway

Axis IP cameras perform surveillance over traffic on R2 highway
Use the traffic monitoring camera, A2S Q8665-LE network camera, on the R2 highway. Operators use it to monitor the most critical locations on the road.


The R2 highway Ruskovce – Pravotice operation was launched in October 2016. The result was a significant reduction of automobile traffic through the city of Bánovce nad Bebravou. A highway information system (ISRC) need to be installed for the increased safety and comfort of use of the R2 highway by motor vehicle users, video surveillance over traffic and provision of the data and information required by the highway administrator, the National Motorway Company.


The R2 motorway uses AXIS Q8665-LE Network Cameras. These cameras are installed on concrete pillars on four key points required by the traffic situation and equipped with a tilting and revolving positioning system without an end point, allowing the camera to rotate across the full range of 360 degrees in the continual (endless) mode. The cameras are equipped with several predefined positions for the operator to be able to quickly change the field of vision, serving for monitoring of the most critical places of the highway section.


The directly measurable aspect is represented by the reliability of the equipment itself, which is rated as excellent, despite the limitations caused by remote installation and limited data connectivity. The expected development is that on the basis of the very positive experience with the high standards of the design used for the R2 ISRC the existing cameras will also soon be replaced by the more up-to-date IP-based devices in the D1 section Piešťany–Ladce. The expected replacement of the existing cameras with the digital IP cameras is further supported by the fact that the server repository – the network video recorder – still disposes with sufficient capacity for serving the additional IP cameras

Product Adopted:
Surveillance Cameras
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