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Safer and smarter cities through intelligence

Safer and smarter cities through intelligence
One of the major focus this year at Secutech is how to build smart and sustainable cities. From smart street lighting to other sensors and technology that can be linked and connected together, authorities are empowered with vital information that can be used for decision making and planning for smarter city with intelligence.

One of the major focus this year at Secutech is how to build smart and sustainable cities. From smart street lighting to other sensors and technology that can be linked and connected together, authorities are empowered with vital information that can be used for decision making and planning for smarter city with intelligence.

AAEON Technology

AAEON Technology, an associate company of ASUS, showcased its venture into IoT products with its intelligent street lighting offering for smart city projects — the Gateway and Airbox. “The Gateway enables clients to make streetlights more intelligent. Users can set lighting zone dimming, enabling it detect the lighting in the environment and dim or adjust the lights accordingly for better energy efficiency and conservation. Scheduling is also possible where the lights can be set to turn on at a specific time each day,” said Eric Yu, Senior Product Specialist for AAEON Technology.

“The Airbox, on the other hand, has a sensor that can monitor air quality and detect gases (e.g., nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide), fine particulate matters (PM2.5), temperature, wind speed and air pressure.” Information of which can be relayed in real time to government agencies. Both are customizable and supports LoraWAN, Sub-GHz and open protocol communication technology.


One of the exhibitors, HiPower, highlighted the smart city concept at the smart street lighting pavilion as street lights can serve as a platform from which smart city projects can evolve. Its iCMS (intelligent central management systems) is a platform that can gather and manage video, access control, vehicle ID check, sensors and incident detection via one command center. 

“Our platform covers video surveillance with IVA computing technology, transportation and traffic, intelligent parking and the internet of things. We can link the street lights to multimedia, surveillance cameras, sensors, security devices and even attach charging stations. This can allow these structures to function as a public resource as well; telecom operators and companies can use this for advertising, parking fees or offer Wi-Fi services. We can expand the potential of these basic infrastructures to support the implementation of smart cities and increase its potential value,” said Roger Hung, CEO of HiPower. 


A major goal of smart cities around the world involve enhancing security and with the rise of smartphones and social media, the phone itself is becoming a valuable tool that can be used to investigate crimes.

compelson, an exhibitor at the Czech Republic Pavilion, has worked with various law enforcement agencies (FBI, police, Interpol) to fight against terrorism and crime with its MOBILedit Forensic solution which is a phone and cloud extractor, data analyzer and report generator in one solution, capable of unlocking phones and even recovering deleted data.

“When the police investigates a crime, a lot of evidence can be found on the phone through messages and mails, and the phone can pinpoint a person’s position, where he has been, which Wi-FI network he used,” said Dusan Kozusnik, CEO of compelson. “People also takes thousands and thousands of photos on their phone. Machine and deep learning technology in our software can identify objects and perform facial recognition, showing the police only the photos with weapons, specific objects or faces relevant to the investigation.” Camera ballistics is another feature of the solution, which can match a photo to a camera, verifying that it was really taken by that phone’s camera.


Elsys displayed a rather new biometric technology from Russia that can be applicable to projects involving government and security agencies, airports and the police. The VibraImage technology can potentially detect potential threats or prevent events in the area by analyzing an individual's emotional status. By measuring 3D head-neck movements in video images, it can measure micromovement and vibrations of certain eye musculature which can give authorities an idea of the individual's emotional status. According to Ted Wu from Elsys Taiwan, it is able to provide information on whether the person is nervous, stressed or anxious through AI and deep learning algorithms. He added that it has already been successfuly implemented and carried out in Russian airports. By using this in combination with facial recognition with add an extra layer of security to the area.

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