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Qualys' cloud-based security and compliance platform supports Azure

Qualys' cloud-based security and compliance platform supports Azure
Qualys announced that customers can now extend their centralized, single-pane view of security or compliance posture to Microsoft Azure through an extension of Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance.
Qualys announced that customers can now extend their centralized, single-pane view of security or compliance posture to Microsoft Azure through an extension of Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance. By extending the reach of the Qualys Cloud Platform into the internal virtual networks of Azure, Qualys enables Azure users to easily detect and identify misconfigured or vulnerable systems and applications, and to quickly remediate threats to remove security weaknesses.

As enterprise networks proliferate further into the cloud, organizations increasingly look to simplify effective security management and compliance posture. The Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance, pre-certified for Azure, helps them consolidate vulnerability management, policy compliance and web application scanning services on Azure virtual machines into the Qualys platform. Compatible with both the Classic and Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployment models, it is fully integrated with the Qualys Cloud Platform and includes the following capabilities:

Classic and Azure Resource Manager support
The Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance is compatible with both the Azure Classic and Resource Manager deployment models. With the introduction of Azure Resource Manager last year, Microsoft’s deployment recommendation is to use Resource Manager for new resources and re-deploy existing resources through Resource Manager as the two deployment models are not completely compatible with each other. To address Qualys customers that are managing their Azure environment with either deployment model, the Virtual Scanner Appliance has been tested to work with both Classic and Resource Manager.

Azure certified
In collaboration with Microsoft, the Qualys Virtual Scanner Appliance VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) is now available to customers in Azure Marketplace, supporting all Azure commercial regions and a selection of compute instance sizes. The virtual scanner has gone through Azure publishing and certification processes to meet its expected quality.

"Many organizations moving assets to cloud environments are lacking the tools to effectively manage security and assess their compliance posture," said Philippe Courtot, chairman and CEO for Qualys. "Now, working with Microsoft, we are able to provide our customers with a comprehensive solution that gives them continuous visibility across their entire IT computing infrastructure, including Azure's cloud environments."

"It is important that our customers have the ability to extend centralized security and compliance audits into Microsoft Azure," said Nicole Herskowitz, senior director of product marketing, Cloud Platform at Microsoft. "Qualys' continuous security platform enables Azure customers to easily and automatically detect and identify misconfigured or vulnerable systems or applications, helping them better face the challenges of growing cloud workloads."
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