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Gunnebo provides entrance control to customers and employees of COWI A/S

Gunnebo provides entrance control to customers and employees of COWI A/S
How speed gates facilitate smooth, quick single-person entry with no hold-ups or queues for the individuals coming and going.
COWI A/S is an international consulting group, specializing in engineering, environmental science and economics, based in Denmark. It has been involved in more than 50,000 projects in 175 countries and has approximately 6,400 employees. COWI’s headquarters are located in Lyngby in the north of Copenhagen. The 25,000m2 building has to cater for 1,500 employees as well as business partners, customers and other visitors.


The speed gates facilitate smooth, quick single-person entry with no hold-ups or queues for the individuals who are coming and going.

In total, eight lanes of speed gates have been installed in the building, four of which are in the reception area. The barrier flaps are 120cm long offering adequate protection and are made of glass so they do not appear obtrusive.

There is an extra wide lane for wheelchair access and the necessary emergency exits and evacuation routes have been taken into account.

At the other entrances, the glass barrier flaps are 180cm long for extra security.

As well as its glass barriers, the SpeedStile FP has stainless steel housing units for a contemporary look.

To enter or exit, employees and visitors simply pass their ID card over a card reader. On receipt of an authorization signal, the barriers slide open and close behind the individual once they have safely passed through.
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