Comprehensive solution provides schools and first responders with the right tools and more time to respond to emerging incidents
Morse Watchmans, the provider of key control and asset management systems, is pleased to announce the launch of its Emergency Key Grab (EKG) Kit, a lifesaving solution designed for use in K-12 schools. The new EKG Kit centers around Morse Watchmans’ proprietary electronic key control system and includes additional materials and support required to provide first responders with fast, secure access to keys in the event of a school lockdown or emergency.
Tim Purpura, VP of Global Sales and Marketing, Morse Watchmans said, “Given the unfortunate rise in active shooter incidents at schools and the coinciding pressure on responding agencies, we wanted to develop a solution that empowers both schools and their local first responders with the tools they need to improve critical event outcomes.” He added, “This of course goes beyond our hardware solutions to include expert consultation services and exclusive materials designed to facilitate a successful key control deployment with the ultimate goal of saving lives.”
The EKG Kit is a comprehensive solution consisting of new and exclusive Morse Watchmans products and materials, including:
- A 1-module or greater KeyWatcher Touch System, Morse Watchmans’ award-winning flagship system
- Color-coded SmartKeys and KeyRing with Hubs
- Unique KeyWatcher System First Response KeyRing Identification Label
- Educational Materials: Implementing Key Control in K-12 Schools Tip Sheet and K-12 Schools
- Key Control Playbook Hardcopies
- One-on-one Educational Training from Morse Watchmans
- Template and Guidelines for Writing a K-12 School District Key Control Policy
Using the EKG Kit materials, schools can ensure that emergency keys are securely housed and readily accessible to local first responders. With the featured KeyWatcher Touch System, critical school keys are securely stored within individual compartments with each key uniquely assigned and tracked using the included SmartKeys and KeyRing. With a unique PIN code or other designated credential, responding officers or school resource officers (SROs) can swiftly retrieve the required keys, such as those for locked classrooms or secured areas, enabling them to enter and address the situation promptly.
With every complete EKG deployment, schools benefit from both a controlled, known location for master keys as well as the implementation of a complete key control policy developed with the help of Morse Watchmans experts. This significantly improves response times and effectiveness during critical incidents and gives parents peace of mind, knowing that their children's school is equipped with robust security measures to handle emergencies efficiently.
In addition to facilitating emergency response, an EKG Kit utilized in K-12 schools enhances general security protocols. The featured products and solutions enable schools to centralize key management, ensuring that keys are always properly secured and accounted for, and only accessible by authorized personnel. Moreover, the KeyWatcher Touch system can be further networked with additional Morse Watchmans products to create a comprehensive solution for key management, fleet management, asset management, and more.
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