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Sparsh granted Design-led Incentive by SIDBI in corporation of DoT

Sparsh granted Design-led Incentive by SIDBI in corporation of DoT
Telecommunication is a new domain for Sparsh, but they are showcasing their passion with an astonishing entry to grow further in a much steeper trajectory along with video surveillance domain.
Sparsh became 1 of 17 global companies to be granted the Telecom DLI by the Hon'ble Additional Secretary - Sh. V.L. Kantha Rao on 31st October 2022, at a ceremony held in Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi. With this recognition and grant, the Company has taken another major step towards a self-reliant nation and progress of indigenous manufacturers in India. It is an opportunity to advance innovation and R&D in the nation as the hub of technological development in national security and host the state-of-the-art design infrastructure.
On 1st October 2022 at India Mobile Congress Hall. 5 Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India launched 5G, Team Sparsh was also part of the event to launch their newly designed and manufactured 5G/4G cameras, 5G/4G Routers, 5G/4G Torch Camera, 5G/4G Communication Modul, and 5G IOT Industrial Router to support telecom sector.
In the above-mentioned telecommunication product list, Sparsh team is also planning to add Network Switcher, POE Switcher, Router and Edge Devices in coming days.
With a DNA in domestic production since 2002, the Company’s ecosystem is 100 percent aligned with the 5 pillars of Aatmnirbhar Bharat - Economy, Infrastructure, System, Demographics and Demand.
1.     Economy – On October 30th, 2022, Sparsh organized the Bhumi Pujan of the largest integrated CCTV Manufacturing hub in India, committing to invest some 200 crores. The unit is set to generate employment for 25,000 people directly and indirectly with a capacity to manufacture 1 million cameras per month.
2.     Infrastructure – The Company has 2 units in Haridwar, 1 in Noida and an upcoming 9-acre manufacturing hub with expanded in-house production from tooling, molding, die-casting, sheet metal facility and PCB manufacturing.
3.     System – Sparsh provides unique value proposition by customizing products as per the security requirements of stakeholders and global market standards.
4.     Demographics – An inclusive and diverse demography providing work opportunity for all segments of the society. Currently 40 percent of the employees in the Company are female.
5.     Demand – Fulfilling demand and supply. The best example was the Covid-19 pandemic when the entire world was in lockdown and negativity prevailed, Sparsh converted challenges into positive and progressive opportunities by utilizing the Company’s existing thermal technology for developing India’s first fever detection camera and other similar devices.
Sparsh is constantly growing to be the future leaders of the nascent tech and innovation in the security industry for the development of the country. With a goal to be the “Factory For The World."
“Aatmnirbhar Bharat,” a dream which is now turning into reality due to continued efforts of government in this direction here, team Sparsh has slowly and steadily started emerging as one of the contributors in the sector of security surveillance and now telecommunication. To compete with the emerging demands of various industry sectors as well as to keep our armed forces equipped with latest technological surveillance equipment, Sparsh has been spending a massive 7 percent of revenue on research and innovation.
In order to achieve the ambition to be the ‘Factory for the World’ in security surveillance and telecommunication industry, Sparsh has been making a lot of investments and efforts in product research and design by understanding the needs of Indian Market.
Telecommunication is a new domain for Sparsh, but they are showcasing their passion with an astonishing entry to grow further in a much steeper trajectory along with video surveillance domain.

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