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Accur8vision and nuclear power plants, Dukovany and Temelin

Accur8vision and nuclear power plants, Dukovany and Temelin
Accur8vision is a unique volumetric security system that uses lidar technology to secure an entire area instead of only the perimeter.
Recently, accur8vision was showcased at the nuclear power plant, Dukovany. Accur8vision is a key component in protecting the air space at both nuclear power plants, Dukovany and Temelin. Accur8vision is not only able to protect against intruders but also from drones.

With the use of lidars (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging), accur8vision was able to protect an entire area instead of just the perimeter. If the intruder enters the protected area, the system is notified. The operator will thus have information based on the position, size, speed and even the trajectory of the intruder. The company has now joined forces with some of the best lidar manufacturers in the world. The lidars inside accur8vision have a range of 30m to 245m and lidar channels that span from 6 beams up to 128.

A unique laser detection system generating a net like dome over some of the important areas of the nuclear power plant is intended to protect the space against new 'airborne' threats such as drones. This modern security system was installed by specialists in key areas at both nuclear power plants. 

Mr. Rous, Director of the Security Department at the CEZ Group, mentioned that airborne attacks by drones begin to occur frequently in case of military conflicts. 'We are naturally monitoring this trend. The air space near nuclear power plants has such an importance for us that we considered appropriately making use of the most advanced technology available these days' he said. 

Accur8vision is a unique and attractive system. The 3D map is the exact replica of the real environment. This map gives the operator a 3D view of the area of interest and helps in uniquely identifying the point of intrusion. The 3D map allows the installer to place the detection components in the right places before placing them in the real environment. Because of the anti-collision software inside the map the components can also be tested by a virtual pawn that can crawl, run or walk through the map.

Zones play another important role in accur8vision. The zones can have many different settings and even come with threat levels. When an intruder enters a zone, an alarm is activated. When there is an alarm activated all PTZ cameras will rotate to the area of intrusion. This is done by the camera and the lidar working simultaneously inside accur8vision. 

Accur8vision has been used to secure important infostructure like nuclear power plants, data centers, railway tunnels, and on another spectrum, residential homes. The Dukovany and Temelin nuclear power plants rank among the most strictly guarded facilities in the Czech Republic. Besides other measures, no-fly zones apply in the vicinity of both power plants.
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