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New prediction system for firefighters in Western Australia

New prediction system for firefighters in Western Australia
Western Australia has implemented a US$ 5 million (AU$ 5.6 million) prediction, detection, simulation and early warning system to give firefighters vital information to battle fast moving and destructive bushfires. The Australian-first technology was developed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Univer
Western Australia has implemented a US$ 5 million (AU$ 5.6 million) prediction, detection, simulation and early warning system to give firefighters vital information to battle fast moving and destructive bushfires.

The Australian-first technology was developed by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, University of Western Australia and Landgate, with funding from the Australian Government.

“Aurora can quickly and accurately simulate the direction, speed and intensity of a bushfire, giving firefighters potentially life-saving information,” said Emergency Services Minister Joe Francis.

“After a three-year trial, firefighters have now started using the technology alongside traditional firefighting techniques when responding to bushfires across the State.”

Aurora takes into account data on weather forecast, fuel types and geography, helping firefighters to plan strategically and warn communities about an approaching fire front.

The project began in September 2009 and was completed in February 2013.

“While Aurora is another way the State Government is getting ready for the bushfire season, people need to play their part and develop a bushfire survival plan for when a fire starts near them,” the Minister advised Western Australians.

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