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Sony shed light on city surveillance

Sony shed light on city surveillance
The ability to capture footage at High Resolution coupled with excellent noise reduction is critical to the performance of the security camera in low-light conditions. These features must also be supported with a ? inch lens, which we have found to be an excellent hardware component for our low-light security cameras.
The ability to capture footage at High Resolution coupled with excellent noise reduction is critical to the performance of the security camera in low-light conditions. These features must also be supported with a ½ inch lens, which we have found to be an excellent hardware component for our low-light security cameras.

In addition to the 1/2 inch EXMOR CMOS sensors that can be found in our security cameras, Sony security cameras are also armed with the IPELA Engine. “The Engine enables our cameras to have a wider dynamic range, extraordinary low light sensitivity, and low noise performance, empowering it to produce exceptional picture quality in Full HD Resolution even under very low-light conditions,” said Hideo Miyamaki, Senior Manager, Visual Security Solutions Business Development Office APAC, Sony Electronics

“We are starting to see a growing need for city surveillance in Asia to keep everyone safe as Asian cities continue to expand on strong economic growth,” added Miyamaki. This is especially true for night surveillance in the city, when it becomes a challenge to accurately identify color under low-light conditions, which could make a difference in the assessment of a situation. This is why it is important to have a function that allows the camera to capture night footage, with an accurate color reproduction similar to that of a day mode.
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