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Rising Filipino skyline elevates security needs

Rising Filipino skyline elevates security needs
“The skyline of Metro Manila will be changing at least for the next 2 years; there are many constructions of high-rise buildings as the economy is good”, commented Toby Koh, Group Managing Director, Ademco Security Group Pte Ltd. As a security solution and service provider that targets mid to large scale projects,
“The skyline of Metro Manila will be changing at least for the next 2 years; there are many constructions of high-rise buildings as the economy is good”, commented Toby Koh, Group Managing Director, Ademco Security Group Pte Ltd.

As a security solution and service provider that targets mid to large scale projects, ADEMCO is optimistic that the Philippines will be demanding a great amount of integrated security solutions to protect the expanding hotel industry, BPOs (business process outsourcing), and residential condominiums.

Many high-rise buildings in the Makati City --- the largest city in Metro Manila--- are built to 40 floors or higher. The tall buildings often house a mixture of commercial and residential spaces, thus stipulating the needs for complex security systems.

Koh noted that when providing solutions to the Filipino market, it is very crucial to customize a value-added security platform that enhances business operation for clients' usage altogether. For example, a centralized management for surveillance and time attendance is greatly sought after for enterprises.

Currently, analog technology still dominates the market because cabling is inexpensive. However, the security industry in the Philippines is picking up IP technology quickly. Many engineers in the Philippines received education or trainings abroad, and are quite keen on improving security with IP.

As the Philippines economy continues to grow vibrantly, the investment in security technologies will be rising together with its skyline.
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