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Chiang Mai residential development prevents fire with high tech

Chiang Mai residential development prevents fire with high tech
The Punna Residence is one of Punna Development's latest residential developments located in the most culturally significant city of northern Thailand, Chiang Mai. In order to create a community that will allow the residents to enjoy comfort, convenience, and safety in their lives, Punna Residence required fire alar
The Punna Residence is one of Punna Development's latest residential developments located in the most culturally significant city of northern Thailand, Chiang Mai.

In order to create a community that will allow the residents to enjoy comfort, convenience, and safety in their lives, Punna Residence required fire alarm systems that can provide accurate and reliable fire detection and notification. The developer was looking for an integrated control panel across all buildings within the compound. This would significantly reduce the manpower needed to manage the fire alarm system.
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