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VIVOTEK unveils its first license plate recognition camera IB9387-LPR

VIVOTEK unveils its first license plate recognition camera IB9387-LPR
Featuring built-in license plate recognition software and edge-computing capability without additional server, the IB9387-LPR can identify license plates from over 70 countries around the world. These and other features make it a powerful License Plate Recognition (LPR) system and a cost-effective all-in-one device applied for condominiums, parking access control and Stop & Go toll systems.
Taking video analytics to the next level, VIVOTEK has introduced a brand new license plate recognition camera, the IB9387-LPR.

Featuring built-in license plate recognition software and edge-computing capability without additional server, the IB9387-LPR can identify license plates from over 70 countries around the world. These and other features make it a powerful License Plate Recognition (LPR) system and a cost-effective all-in-one device applied for condominiums, parking access control and Stop & Go toll systems.

VIVOTEK's IB9387-LPR also offers efficient access control management through black & white lists and multi-site camera centralized maintenance. With a black & white list embedded inside the IB9387-LPR, the control barrier will open the gate when a white list vehicle is detected. On the other hand, a black list vehicle will trigger an alarm and a notification will be sent to security staff. With VIVOTEK’s IB9387-LPR, security staffs of parking lots with multiple entry points no longer need to upgrade system one after another. They can simply upload these lists to a single centralized LPR camera and all the other LPR cameras will download the master list, thus significantly reducing both installation time and maintenance efforts.

Camera: The Heart and Soul in License Plate Recognition

Thanks to its various Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), third-party systems such as parking management, toll collection, and weighbridge systems are able to receive live LPR images with specific country, state, date, time, and confidence level from IB9387-LPR. Finally, the sophisticated camera is safeguarded by Trend Micro IoT Security, providing proactive protection in cybersecurity. Combining recognition and management technology, VIVOTEK’s IB9387-LPR offers an intelligent, scalable and highly secure standalone LPR system.

Product Adopted:
Surveillance Cameras
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