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VyStar Credit Union boosts theft and fraud protection with Oncam

VyStar Credit Union boosts theft and fraud protection with Oncam
VyStar Credit Union's Security Operations Manager, James McDonald, is responsible for technology testing, selection and implementation in support of VyStar's overall Physical Security and Safety Programs.
Financial institutions like VyStar face a number of challenges on a day-to-day basis, requiring innovative technology that boosts efficiencies, reduces fraud and enhances service for customers.

VyStar Credit Union's Security Operations Manager, James McDonald, is responsible for technology testing, selection and implementation in support of VyStar's overall Physical Security and Safety Programs. With continuous growth and expansion, VyStar is looking to create greater value in the information that can be gleaned from its security equipment by centralizing information and correlating video data to provide alerts, notifications and response to different types of events.

McDonald looked at 360-degree video technology when it was originally introduced to the market, but for many years, the cost was prohibitive. He continued to follow the growth of the technology over the years, and asked integrator Stanley Convergent Security Solutions for a demo of Oncam 360-degree video cameras with advanced dewarping technology. “I envisioned that the cameras could provide us with the ability to see both sides of the teller line simultaneously, which improves our understanding of the entire scene as it unfolds,” McDonald said.

The solution

McDonald chose Oncam because of its open platform camera technology and its extensive and valuable experience in the financial sector delivering a clear picture of an institution’s daily traffic, as well as after hours monitoring.

The use of the Oncam technology can assist VyStar in driving efficiency across branches by having the information available to potentially alert managers when branch traffic increases. "With the footage we gain from one Oncam 360-degree camera, we tap into a complete situational overview for how busy the branch is, and are able to better address staffing levels, thereby enhancing our ability to deliver exceptional customer service," McDonald said. "The functionality of the video data reaches far beyond simply being a security tool."

The advanced 5MP sensor delivers high-resolution video with more detailed imagery. McDonald notes that the EVO-05 does not have a motorized lens or other moving parts, which equates to less maintenance over the camera’s lifecycle and therefore, less cost. The EVO-05 camera also provides a video stream of up to 30fps, capturing continuous video movements, while delivering high-quality images that are critical to assist with investigations.

Based on open-platform technology, Oncam works seamlessly with VyStar's Verint Security Intelligence Solutions and video management system (VMS), ensuring interoperability and offering the ability to scale as needed with the growth of the financial institution.

VyStar's VMS, coupled with Oncam video technology, allows for efficient video surveillance management and data capture across VyStar's branches, and is built to streamline operations for large-scale, geographically distributed operations with hybrid analog and IP capabilities.

A single source of truth

"We looked for interoperability to control all the cameras from a single platform, robust search functionality, and advanced analytics software for our facilities,” McDonald said. “With cameras from Oncam, we are able to accomplish this."

Oncam's interoperability with the VMS solutions was an integral part of VyStar’s decision to install the EVO-05 cameras. Oncam’s surveillance solutions integrate with the top technology innovators in the industry, allowing integrators and end users to create robust yet cost-effective solutions that meet the evolving needs of their organizations. Using the existing systems, users can configure Network Video Recorders (NVRs), change device properties and passwords, download firmware, create audit reports and manage user rights – all from a single console. The entire solution enables VyStar to rapidly identify potential malfunctions and camera obstructions with remote diagnostics for large NVR deployments. Now, operators can monitor the health of the entire surveillance network, allowing them to prevent video loss and maximize uptime.

Implementing 360-degree coverage has allowed VyStar Credit Union to do more with a single camera, reducing bandwidth usage and delivering better situational awareness across its locations. “Before the upgrades, we had standard analog cameras in place and it took four to five devices to accomplish what we’re now doing with one Oncam 360-degree camera,” said McDonald.

The video data gathered from Oncam EVO-05 cameras is managed and evaluated at the financial institution’s security operations centers. “Since the Oncam video data is running on the edge with our existing solution, which reduces bandwidth needs, we’re able to get the complete megapixel capability out of the Oncam cameras," McDonald said.

Multiple teams utilize the financial organization's video data, including physical security, management, personnel and the fraud department, to address emerging threats to the safety and security of staff, members and assets. Management can use the technology to search through footage and locate persons of interest at various locations, and address any red flags or suspicious activity, as well as pinpoint clips that can be used in an investigation.

VyStar management who worked with the solutions received training directly from Oncam, as well as Stanley Convergent Solutions, and are able to carry the knowledge back to personnel on-site. "With Oncam, we’re able to get direct technical support as needed, which makes the entire process much easier. To date, we've utilized Oncam's customer and technical support networks and have been fully satisfied with the results,” McDonald said.

Since deploying Oncam 360-degree technology, VyStar Credit Union has been able to more effectively and efficiently monitor security and surveillance operations across its locations in a more streamlined, efficient fashion. "Oncam's surveillance technology is ideally suited to the financial sector, allowing security teams to truly integrate video streams from the open-platform cameras to existing video management systems," said Jumbi Edulbehram, Regional President, Americas, Oncam. "This allows officials to pinpoint incidents quickly in an effort to streamline investigations and be alerted to emerging threats. VyStar has been a great partner in this effort."

Only 45 days lapsed from the first demo of the Oncam cameras to the upgrade, solidifying VyStar's decision to invest in these solutions for new construction moving forward. To date, several sites have been upgraded, with the goal to convert all of the credit union's locations in the next few years.

Currently, VyStar has also incorporated a new system for use by multiple departments, which pairs all teller transactions with video to streamline investigations relating to fraudulent activity. “We look forward to finishing the testing phase and leveraging that aspect system in the near future,” McDonald said.
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