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Ayla Networks announces expert IoT consulting services for deploying connected products and solutions

Ayla Networks announces expert IoT consulting services for deploying connected products and solutions
Ayla Networks, a global leader in IoT platform-as-a-service (PaaS), unveiled a comprehensive set of services aimed to help manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, medical equipment and other companies optimize the business outcomes of their IoT offerings.
Ayla Networks, a global leader in IoT platform-as-a-service (PaaS), unveiled a comprehensive set of services aimed to help manufacturing, retail, telecommunications, medical equipment and other companies optimize the business outcomes of their IoT offerings.
“As the IoT market continues to evolve, enterprises increasingly need help in getting to market with truly successful IoT offerings and achieving the greatest value from their IoT investments,” said Mike Merit, Vice President of Customer Success for Ayla Networks. “With our new service offerings, Ayla is leveraging the vast expertise and experience we’ve amassed working with leading manufacturers worldwide. Ayla IoT experts are the best positioned in the industry to help companies define and solve both the technology and business issues that arise in the IoT.”
Ayla is offering a range of workshops, off-the-shelf and bespoke IoT services covering the entire connected product journey and aimed at enterprises in multiple markets and at all levels of IoT sophistication.
“Ayla’s services help enterprises with everything from figuring out the ‘why’ of their connected solutions, defining product features and determining an overall IoT data strategy to choosing ecosystem partners, conducting proof of concept (PoC) projects, and launching and testing products and services,” said Merit. “Enterprises can take an a-la-carte approach to Ayla’s service offerings, or they can allow Ayla to manage their entire connected project process, from infrastructure to complete IoT partner management.”
Ayla’s services work in conjunction with the tools and capabilities that are part of the comprehensive Ayla IoT platform. Examples of Ayla’s IoT service offerings include:
  • Discovery Workshop: Conducted during the early idea-stage of connected product development, this workshop helps customers understand and define their business and technical IoT strategies, user experience expectations and the ecosystems needed for embarking on a successful IoT project.
  • Product/Solution Definition Workshop: This workshop helps define consumer-driven IoT products and solutions, including identifying target consumers, defining key features for a minimum viable product (MVP), and crafting strong marketing messages about each connected product or solution.
  • Data/ROI Workshop: In this multi-session workshop, Ayla works with enterprises to clearly articulate an IoT data and return on investment (ROI) strategy across functional teams and throughout the lifecycle of a connected product or service.
  • Testing Services. Ayla offers customized services for testing mobile apps, firmware and the end-to-end consumer experience, including thorough functional, usability and compatibility testing.
  • Lifecycle Management Services. After launching a connected product or service, enterprises can work with Ayla experts for ongoing management of their IoT solutions and their data throughout the entire lifecycle.
  • Professional Services. The Ayla Professional Services team offers customized project management, architectural and implementation services such as PoC development, Alexa/Google Home integration, mobile application and/or firmware development, and analytics and support dashboards. The Ayla Professional Services team can also act as IoT system integrators, managing the entire connected project process.
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