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Comelit change in leadership

Comelit change in leadership
On Friday 21 July an important change in leadership within Comelit Group was made official: at the shareholders meeting Gianni Lazzari was appointed President of Comelit Group, Silvia Brasi was appointed Vice-President, and Edoardo Barzasi was confirmed CEO and General Manager of the company.
On Friday 21 July an important change in leadership within Comelit Group was made official: at the shareholders meeting Gianni Lazzari was appointed President of Comelit Group, Silvia Brasi was appointed Vice-President, and Edoardo Barzasi was confirmed CEO and General Manager of the company. Also present at the board meeting were Fabio Brasi, advisor and head of Working Capital Logistics, and Demetrio Trussardi, Executive Director and head of Italian sales.

Gianni Lazzari takes the place of Pier Antonio Brasi who, after 54 years with Comelit, culminating with 20 years as president, has passed the torch to his daughter, Silvia Brasi, the new Vice-President and head of human resources.

“Together with Guglielmo Brasi, Giovanni Barzasi, and Pier Antonio Brasi our group has always moved forward as a whole: the fact that we know each other well and are all the same age has certainly been an important factor. We’re united by the same desire to improve ourselves and to acquire new experiences,” says the President of Comelit Group. “When I began working as laboratory manager and designer in 1961, the company already existed. It was located in Bergamo, on Via Ceresoli, and had been founded by Pio Giudici just five years earlier. It was only when I decided to accept the job that I learned my father was one of the partners”.

As far as the challenges involved in future growth, Lazzari says that he is optimistic.“I’m proud to be President of this company; a company that I have seen grow and that now surpasses €100 million Euro in turnover (+9% as compared to 2015!). I’m certain that in the Change in leadership future our success will continue, both in Italy and abroad.” Today Comelit is an industrial company operating at the worldwide level, with branches in fifteen countries, yet with a strong connection to its roots, in particular in Rovetta where Gianni Lazzari decided to relocate its administration and manufacturing facilities. “These appointments,” concludes Lazzari, “confirm the solid collaboration between the founding families and their resolve to guide this company into additional years of growth and success.”

Silvia Brasi: “I am full of pride, given also my sentimental attachment, for being appointed to such an important role within a group that continues to grow.I owe it to those responsible for Comelit’s success, to dedicate myself to its continued harmonious growth. Comelit is currently a large and dynamic company, but ‘company harmony’ is a concept that I will always seek to implement, also in my new role. In the initial days after my appointment as Vice-President, I received many compliments from my colleagues. This was of course very gratifying and is demonstration of the fact that we are on the right track.”

Meanwhile, Antonio Brasi, born in 1939, joined the Comelit team in 1963 after a flourishing football career, replacing Gianni Lazzari himself who was called into military service. In 1967 Brasi became Technical Director, in 1986 Vice-President and CEO, and in 1998 was appointed President and CEO. “There are those of you, like many others out there, who have asked me if it was worth it: the work, the effort, the disappointments, the sleepless nights, the fear of making a mistake that would affect employees, shareholders, suppliers, etc. etc. Luckily I have never had to ask myself this question, but I owe the rest of you an answer and it is “Yes!”. Yes, when I hear increasingly positive things about Comelit. Yes, when I see seasoned professionals promote and sell our name and our products with conviction. Yes, when I see Comelit employees work with enthusiasm and satisfaction. Yes, when I see them grow along with Comelit. We will face our challenges with the greatest of respect for companies larger than us, but without fear: effort doesn’t scare us!” Excerpts from a speech which Pier Antonio Brasi gave several years ago.
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