Articles Search Results

30 Articles and 0 related Products found for video standards
  • Checking in to the network with Axis
    Needing to transition its 675-plus properties worldwide onto network video systems, Hyatt Hotels sought out a solution that could be replica...
    Editor / Provider: Axis Communications | Updated: 2017 / 3 / 15
  • HDcctv Alliance approved new HDcctv 2.0 standards
    Surveillance video standards organization the HDcctv Alliance has ratified the next generation of its High Definition security video standar...
    Editor / Provider: HDcctv Alliance | Updated: 2014 / 3 / 4
  • First video image performance standard hits the road
    In September 2013, after 18 months of preparation, Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a US-based independent safety science company, published ...
    Editor / Provider: Michelle Chu, a&s International | Updated: 2014 / 2 / 4
  • HD-SDI(9): HD-SDI video distribution
    The overview of HD-SDI surveillance applications across various products, transmission methods, and storage devices is covered in this piece...
    Editor / Provider: Alf Chang, a&s International | Updated: 2013 / 12 / 20