Key Specifications
FORTIS4G is a cutting edge Physical Security Information Management system (PSIM),
optimized to manage the daily routine business flow and site activity, abnormal, emergency
and crisis situations.
Magal S3 has a record of more than 40 years in the security market, delivering so far three
generations of innovative management systems. Fortis4G, a fourth generation version, is a
quantum leap from it's predecessor, Fortis, which is installed in more than 100 sites worldwide.
Fortis4G is leveraging the latest IT technology and communication protocols; it is built around
and for users and delivers superb situation awareness.
Core features
* Full integration of textual, maps and video information
* Every entry is related to a location, event and time
* State-of-the-art intuitive Graphic User Interface (GUI)
* Drag and drop of any data to any screen
* Strong 3D GIS (Geographic Information System) engine
* Built in line of sight calculation
* Embedded powerful IVA optimized for outdoor security applications
* Easy integration to new cameras and sensors
* Flexible interface to enable easy import / export of external data
* Scalable and flexible
How your organization can benefit from FORTIS4G
Share information – Use a common data source; share events and resources
Gain situation awareness – Have a real-time intuitive common view, yet adapted to the
distinct needs and roles of each player
Analyze threats and alerts – Quickly pinpoint threats, alarms, abnormal behavior, signals
and inputs from multiple nodes
Automate workflow – Perform immediate tasks in compliance with predefined procedures
Respond - Dispatch first responders efficiently
Communicate – Use prompt and effective means to transfer commands and information
through radio, intercom, public address, graphic exchange and messaging systems
Manage – Achieve efficient control of sensors, communication devices, events, resources and
mobile responders
Improve operation – Retrieve and review recorded events and create customized reports
for effective debriefing and compliance