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Efficiencies cast for Tata Steel thanks to Grosvenor Technology

Efficiencies cast for Tata Steel thanks to Grosvenor Technology
In the harsh confines of a steelworks, seconds can make the difference between operational excellence and lost profit.
In the harsh confines of a steelworks, seconds can make the difference between operational excellence and lost profit. Which is why Tata Steel and their work force systems partner- NiSoft looked to Grosvenor Technology for a solution that removed the pain of tracking a vast permanent workforce and a diverse range of Contractors across a sprawling site.

Tata specified a preferred barcode scanner system from the outset, as it ensured Contractors carried out tasks in a specific order without the need for Management supervision, freeing them to focus other tasks.

Grosvenor Technology’s Credential Evaluation Service highlighted a single solution that incorporated barcode tracking into Tata’s working practice but also avoided the cost and hassle of replacing Permanent Employees’ existing Mifare time and attendance credentials.  Grosvenor’s IT31 modular reader options allowed both permanent and temporary members of the workforce to utilize both barcodes and Mifare credentials on the same hardware, further reducing lifecycle cost.

All Grosvenor terminals are purpose-engineered for rugged applications, but additional environmental enclosures were provided to withstand the rigors of Tata’s manufacturing plants. Live data streaming enabled both HR and Operations Managers to streamline their workflows and make informed decisions in real time. This live data could also automatically generate muster reports in the event of an emergency and ensure both Permanent Staff and Contractors are accounted for in the event of an evacuation.

"We were very impressed with the Professional Services consultancy offered by Grosvenor Technology that ensured all parties received a solution that matched the specification required, and in the case of Credential Evaluation- even saved cost and effort beyond what we had projected."

- Richard Meegdes, Vendor Manager IT, Group Information Services - Tata Steel Europe

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