Product Profile
Quantum Secure SAFE Physical Identity and Access Manager

Quantum Secure SAFE Physical Identity and Access Manager

  • Supplier: Quantum Secure
  • Region: United States of America
  • Updated: 2017/01/24
Product Specifications
  • SAFE Physical Identity and Access Management infuses industry best-practice processes to streamline access request and approval processes—across multiple types of people, user-access profiles and physical access systems. This approach allows you to create business policies/rules and workflows using graphical “drag and drop” functionality, without any programming knowledge.


    As a result, security managers can deploy proven best practices using graphical whiteboards, enabling diverse physical security systems worldwide to conform to consistent corporate policies. In using pre-packaged approval, provisioning and termination workflows, users can automate and streamline physical security tasks.

    * Centrally manages all types of identities of interest to physical security

    * Includes pre-defined rules and workflows for on-/off-boarding of physical identities, access (de-)provisioning and access change management

    * Allows users to manage various details of a physical identity

    * Urgent termination feature allows authorized personnel to immediately terminate physical access

    * Allows users to create virtual zones of related access levels across disparate systems and locations

    * Pre-defined reports on physical identities and their access, including identities by type and status