Product Profile
Quantum Secure SAFE Visitor Identity Manager

Quantum Secure SAFE Visitor Identity Manager

  • Supplier: Quantum Secure, Inc.
  • Region: United States of America
  • Updated: 2018/10/02
Product Specifications
  • SAFE Visitor Identity Manager is an enterprise-class, policy-driven software solution to securely manage visitors by automating the entire visitor identity management lifecycle within an organization. It is a completely web-based solution that includes capabilities for visitor pre-registration, registration, security checks and access authorization, check-in/check-out, badge printing, centralized reporting and audit trail functions.

    SAFE Visitor Identity Manager caters to the unique requirements of different verticals such as Airports, Healthcare, Government, Energy etc. because of its ability to let security practitioners easily define visitor policies, rules and workflows and integrate with a wide variety of security systems

    The SAFE Visitor Management solution is available in two editions – SAFE Enterprise VIM and SAFE Advanced VIM. While both offerings cater to the demands of enterprises, SAFE Advanced VIM is a more robust solution in terms of included functional capabilities.