Product Profile
iQmetrix RQ4 Retail Management

iQmetrix RQ4 Retail Management

  • Supplier: iQmetrix
  • Region: United States of America
  • Updated: 2013/05/16
Product Specifications
  • RQ4 Retail Management System provides all the features necessary to manage and streamline the core functions of a business, while also providing innovative applications to accelerate profits.

    Point of Sale: An intuitive interface design allows retail staff to serve customers faster and more effectively than ever before. The Phone Activation Wizard simplifies the selling process by guiding salespeople through every step – ensuring that each customer leaves the store with the products they need in the shortest time possible. Suggestive Selling features produce an increase in average revenue and profitability per transaction.

    Customer Relationship Management: RQ4's CRM functionality provides your sales, marketing, and service personnel with better, more complete customer information – allowing them to deliver personalized and effective service. In an industry with 101% penetration1, RQ4’s CRM tools help create loyal customer relationships and reduce churn.

    Inventory Management: Create a real-time audit trail that determines an item's exact location at any time. Use intuitive RQ4 inventory features, such as Centrally Managed Stock Balancing, Regional Optimization, Automated Ordering and Vendor Managed Inventory – to ensure you not only make more sales, but also sell the right products for maximum profitability.

    * Product Experts: Employees have access to all the information they need to make the right product recommendations or solve problems in a timely manner.
    * Scan Anywhere: Scan a bar code at any point in the software and RQ4 will automatically open up a new sale and Phone Activation Wizard specific to the product scanned, reducing POS transaction times.
    * Increase Profitability: Effortlessly guide customers through the up-selling and cross-selling process to add extra value to each sale.
    * Centralized Data: Customer data is centralized and accessible from all retail locations, ensuring personalized service at every touch point.
    * Application Integration: Integration with third-party applications -- such as carriers and value-added product vendors -- allow you to serve customers faster and more effectively.