Product Profile
Agent Vi-Search Video Content Analysis

Agent Vi-Search Video Content Analysis

  • Supplier: Agent Video Intelligence (Agent Vi)
  • Region: Israel
  • Updated: 2011/06/24
Product Specifications
  • Automatic and Time-Efficient
    * Scans days of stored video in seconds to display precise results
    * Eliminates the need for time-consuming manual search and review of stored video

    Search Flexibility
    * Enables search by event or search by target parameters, including type, size and color
    * Scene metadata is continuously collected and logged, with no need to pre-define search parameters

    Highly Scalable
    * Can be easily applied and expanded to surveillance networks of any size
    * Enables simultaneous search on multiple cameras

    Open Architecture
    * Integrated with a wide range of edge devices and video management systems
    * Search can be conducted through Vi-Search’s GUI or an integrated third party video management system

    * Single server can generate detailed and accurate scene metadata for hundreds of cameras simultaneously

    * No complicated set-up or training required
    * Operated by simple search queries
    * Enables easy export of specific video segments and reports as stand-alone files