Product Profile
Visiplex VNS5100 Mass Notification Paging Center
- Supplier: Visiplex
- Region: United States of America
- Updated: 2012/10/16
Product Specifications
The VNS5100 Mass Notification Paging Center is designed to control and activate visual, audible and alphanumeric wireless devices such as strobe lights, public address speakers, sirens, intercom wall stations, voice pagers, pagers and LED displays. In addition, the VNS5100 can provide a wireless time reference signal required to synchronize wireless analog and digital clocks. The time reference can be retrieved from the network time server or a GPS satellite system using an optional GPS receiver.
* Wireless Public Address Messaging
* Instant Audible and Silent Visual Alerts
* Facility-Wide Wireless Time Synchronization
* Automatic Day Light Savings Time Adjustment
* Alphanumeric Messaging to Pagers, Wireless LED Displays, E-mail Subscribers and Network Users
* Monitors Up to 1,000 Dry Contact Alarm Points for Automated Messaging
* Wireless Scheduled Bell or Tone Activation
* Monitors Wireless Push Buttons and Sensors for Instant Personnel Notification
* Two-Way Wireless Intercom Communications
* Improves Response Time During Emergencies
* Requires Minimal Training with Easy Installation
* Improves Staff Efficiency and Communication