Product Ranges
CCTV, IP Camera, Access Control, Intrusion Detection, Management Platform, Building Automation, Home Automation, Fire & Safety
Contact Us
  • EL.MO. S.p.A.

  • Country: Italy
  • City: Reschigliano di Campodarsego
  • Address: Via Pontarola, 70-35011 Campodarsego, Italy
  • Contact Person: Alberto Pastorello

Key Specifications
Wired intrusion detection control units with ULTRABUS interface

PREGIO series is the new EL.MO. wired/wireless intrusion detection control units series, developed upon an innovative structure and open to future scenarios and technologies.
The control units are based on integration principle with the GSM, LAN, NTP and PSTN Plug&Play modules of the Villeggio system. Thanks to the possibility to rise 24, 48 or 104 inputs, PREGIO series is the ideal solution for several environments (domestic and commercial / civil).

PREGIO are wired/wireless control units with 8 on board inputs (16 with split function) expandable to 24 (PREGIO500), 48 (PREGIO1000) or 104 (PREGIO2000) using RIVER concentrators or GATEWAY2K.

PREGIO control units are based on a modular structure. Indeed it is able to integrate Plug&Play components that allow to extend its functions. MDGSME/MDGSMI modules allows the connection from and to the control unit via GSM. It allows to send alarm voice messages or SMS, to manage the control unit via SMS, to listen the remote environment and the connection to e-Connect system.

PREGIO is integrated into the e-Connect management, supervision and centralization web platform for intrusion detection, cctv and home automation. (To learn more: This is possible thanks to MDLAN (for PREGIO1000 and PREGIO2000) and MDWIFIH optional modules (for PREGIO500).

PREGIO is a “green” control unit with power and battery consumption equal to one fifth of old generation control units. It is designed for consumption reduction with consequent economic savings and environment protection.

Thanks to the GATEWAY2K optional module, PREGIO series control units can integrate also the NG-TRX wireless devices. NG-TRX® is the new EL.MO. intrusion detection two-way wireless technology with 2 km operative range. (learn more about NG-TRX®:

MDPSTN module supports the connection to analogue telephone line. It incorporates a 33kbps modem for the remote programming and operates in low power mode.

PREGIO series implements the voice synthesis function with 4 default messages. In addition, it is available an optional board to extend the customizable messages up to 64 with total time up to 8 minutes.

MDNTP module provides a virtual telephone line through the GSM network, allowing the connection of traditional telephone devices (only PREGIO2000).

For further information please refer to the brochure or visit EL.MO. website.
PREGIO Line - Wired control units with ULTRABUS interface
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