Product Profile
AMAG Symmetry CompleteView 4.6 Video Management System
- Supplier: AMAG Technology
- Region: United States of America
- Updated: 2016/01/12
Product Specifications
- Offers thumbnail search capability to generate chronological thumb images from a single camera, based on search criteria provided by the user
- Digital pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) available with thumbnail feature
- Video events can be exported to a file, CD/DVD, or to other users
- Ability to save PTZ presets by user defined names for easy reference when calling a PTZ camera to a saved preset position
- Integrates with AMAG’s full lineup of Symmetry HD IP cameras with support for advanced built-in video content analysis
- Symmetry CompleteView Design Tool Wizard upgraded to include enhanced PowerDAS models, GuardStation Dual and Quad video client workstations