AISight, the world's only Behavioral Recognition System for video surveillance, is the most comprehensive software analytic solution to address the challenges faced by our customer base. AISight was deployed for over three years, at various installations throughout the world, before it was fully productized to be sold. This rigorous testing and feedback from government and commercial users drove a stable, accurate, and full-featured product when ultimately released to the market.
The three most significant challenges with a Video Analytic System are purposely the strongest features of AISight. By keeping these significant issues in mind during every phase of designing, building, testing, and productizing the AISight System, BRS Labs has been able to fundamentally change the entire video surveillance market. By providing a method to effectively “watch” every camera installed on a surveillance network, you can never have too many cameras!
AISight has evolved into the most accurate and robust system on the market. BRS Labs continues to maintain its leadership position by providing advancements to AISight as requested by the market. Click for new features of Version 3.0
* Delivers effective results immediately upon installation without custom programming or human intervention by teaching itself what is and is not normal behavior within any camera's field of view. The accuracy of AISight results improve continuously over time
* Dramatically reduces false alarms, making video surveillance a true real-time solution for intervening as events unfold
* Delivers real-time visibility into safety issues as well as security, such as automatic recognition of smoke, fire, flooding, static objects vibrating or in motion, etc.