Key Specifications
16 fully programmable on board zones
2 partitions + common
15 user codes + 1 duress code + 1 installer code
4 on-board HA points (programmable pulse/latch outputs) with feedback inputs
200 events buffered
Supports Microsoft''s Windows based PC software
Upload/download programming setting
System control and monitor
Built-in PSTN auto dialer:
CMS reporting with Contact ID format
Personal reporting with pre-recorded voice feedback
Dual Communication port ready
Supports TM UniFi (fiber optic), TM landline or PABX system with dual port function
Supports GSM communication
Built-in voice library for description of every zone and HA point
Open setting for full personal reporting
Double call feature to bypass fax/answering machine during call in
Real-time telephone line detection with siren ON for telephone line cut
2 programming modes (user/installer programming mode)
6 arming types (intelligent arm/away arm/day arm/night arm/force arm/holiday mode)
Open setting for entry/exit delay for day/night arming
1 set of auto arm/disarm timer for partition 1 and 2
4 sets of auto on/off HA points timers
Scene control of HA points for system arm/disarm
Auto on HA points for individual zone alarm triggered
Adjustable zone response for sensitivity
Zone trip count feature to prevent false alarm
Keypad lock feature to prevent password guessing
AC fail/siren fail/battery low monitoring and reporting (CMS/personal)
1 on board input for remote or key switch arm/disarm function with siren/strobe light indication
Supports up to 4 keypads, 4 HA modules (16 HA points) and 1 GSM module
Backup battery charger
Speaker output connection ready
Listen-in module connection ready
External watchdog
485 communication bus