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  • Bosch Building Technologies

  • Country: Germany
  • City: Grasbrunn
  • Address: P.O. Box 11 11 D-85626 Grasbrunn Germany
  • Contact Person: Florian Lauw

Bosch Communication Center alarm receiving center successfully certified to EN 50518
Source: Bosch Security Systems
As one of the first alarm receiving centers in Europe, the Bosch emergency and service monitoring center has been tested in line with the new EU standard EN 50518. It has been awarded accredited certification, proving that it conforms with the requirements of the European standard, both in terms of its construction, and its technology and operation. Plans are in place for additional emergency and service monitoring centers to be connected to the redundant technical platform in the certified alarm receiving center over the course of the year, such as the Bosch Communication Center facilities in France and the Netherlands.
More stringent requirements concerning construction, technology and operation
The EU-wide standard, which was passed in three parts and has been in force since August 2011, puts much higher demands on alarm receiving center operators than the former national regulations, in terms of the construction, technology and operation. The work involved in upgrading and converting existing monitoring centers in these three areas requires considerable investment. To enable monitoring center operators that cannot, or are not prepared to, fund this high level of investment to continue certified operation, Bosch has not only set up its technical infrastructure in line with EN 50518, but is also making it available to other operators within the context of partner models.

Partner models for monitoring centers in accordance with EN 50518
For example, as part of the models, monitoring center operators can operate their monitoring and alarm reception technology within the Bosch infrastructure, while continuing to assume responsibility for intervening in the event of an alarm. Alarms triggered in customer premises are then received by the Bosch alarm receiving center and forwarded to the operator's emergency and service monitoring center, where the necessary action is taken to manage the alarm. Other models, right through to those where all emergency and service monitoring center services are performed by Bosch, are also available. However responsibility for intervening, and therefore handling customer relationships, remains with the client.

Conformity without high levels of investment
The partner models from Bosch are highly customizable and can therefore be adapted to suit any existing monitoring center. The models offer monitoring center operators a cost-effective way of implementing the EN 50518 standard with only minimum investment, and also provide a high level of planning certainty for both operators and their customers. What's more, both parties can also benefit from the stability of the modern, redundant infrastructure offered by Bosch, as well as from the VdS-certified BoSiNet-NGN security network for connecting partners
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