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Suprema Hosts Global Partner Program 2014
Source: Suprema
Suprema, a leading global provider of technology in biometrics and security, is pleased to host the ‘Suprema Global Partner Program (SGPP) 2014’ conference, being held on November 12 – 13 at Paradise Hotel Busan, Korea.

The SGPP is Suprema’s annual program for global partners, where the company and partners interact with each other demonstrating innovative solutions and best practice leveraging Suprema technology. Also, Suprema advances the industry’s future with new products and solutions in development as well as the latest enhancements to its various product lines.

Future requirements and trends are intensively discussed by the participants during various panel discussions under the theme, ‘The Future is Easy’. Suprema believes today’s rapidly changing environment requires ‘Simple’, ‘Convenient’ and ‘Always Connected’ solutions for customers; ‘Easy’ represents all these keywords in addressing these needs and trends.

“Our partners’ success is our goal, and this event has inspires interaction with one another for moving forward together to make it a reality,” says James Lee, CEO of Suprema Inc. “Suprema aims at market leadership by concentrating on the development of technology and products that address rapidly changing trends and needs, so as to enable our partners and customers to achieve greater innovation and higher growth in business. Listening to the voice of customers (VOC) is paramount, and that is the primary purpose for this conference.”

The Suprema Global Partner Program (SGPP) has been deemed a high-level futuristic platform for the business of biometrics and security since it was first hosted in 2010. Around 60 specialists from 40 countries are taking part in the conference this year.
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