Product Ranges
Intrusion Detection, Home Automation, Fire & Safety
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  • Country: Taiwan
  • City: New Taipei City
  • Address: 2F, No.179, Chang An Rd., Xizhi Dist., 221
  • Contact Person: Chiang Robert

Key Specifications
1.The USB cable kit and driver can match with all Microsoft systems.
2.PC Setup Window Software can match with all Microsoft systems.
3.User can select to connect to the alarm console via USB cable kit.
4.User can also select to connect to the alarm console via IP module on internet.
5.User can operate all working mode and control AC power switch turning on/off.
6.It can load txt file of the program data to copy all program data to another console.
7.It can modify and save to the all program data into a txt file, which is the back-up of the console program data.
8.It can read all setting program data from the console to display window software.
9.It can load txt file or key-in program data and write into the console.
10.It has monitor function for displaying alarm event memory, now working mode, AC power switch turning on number, temperature lever data, door/window open sensors number and more..
11.It can be installed on touch screen PC, which is for toucing operating alarm working mode and AC power switch turning on/off.
12.The window software setup function with explain manual, it’s easier for user to understand how to set all program data.
13.The window software has many language options to save local language SMS.

FS330W PC Window Software of Alarm event manager system
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