OSD330T / 330R RGB / XGA Video Transmission System
Key Specifications
* Very high resolution RGB or XGA video signals with any standard sync configuration over three multimode or singlemode fibers
* Medical image transmission
* Multiple video trunks requiring extremely high resolution
* Large CCTV systems with many tielines or remote cameras
Features & Benefits:
* 3 video transmitters/card (OSD330T)
* 3 video receivers/card (OSD330R)
* Bandwidth of 150MHz per colour
* Extends RGB/XGA transmission to at least 5km on multimode and 30km on singlemode fiber
* Operates on both multimode and singlemode fiber: just one system covers every situation
* Can use Sync-on-Green, composite sync or separate Horizontal+Vertical Sync
* AGC on all three colours ensures automatic colour balance and Plug-and-Play setup
* Supports display systems at up to 1600 X 1200 pixels at scan rates up to 128kHz
* Safe transmission through any environment
* Immune to electrical interference and provides complete end-to-end isolation