Access control and Temperature Monitoring: Your Guide to Getting the Best Results
Access control and Temperature Monitoring: Your Guide to Getting the Best Results
Temperature monitoring systems have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 world. Standalone thermal cameras were the first to gather market attention. Soon, manufacturers decided to integrate the regular security solutions with these temperature monitors to reduce space necessities and increase convenience.
Access control and Temperature Monitoring: Your Guide to Getting the Best Results
Date: 2020/09/11
Source: Prasanth Aby Thomas, Consultant Editor
Temperature monitoring systems have become an integral part of the post-COVID-19 world. Standalone thermal cameras were the first to gather market attention. Soon, manufacturers decided to integrate the regular security solutions with these temperature monitors to reduce space necessities and increase convenience.
Access control solutions with temperature monitoring sensors were the result of such an evolution. In these articles, we begin to present the market demand, features, benefits, and what to know when purchasing and installing a biometric access control with a temperature monitoring solution. We also offer a list of the top solutions in the market to help you evaluate their features and make a final decision.
Integrating biometric physical access control with temperature monitoring features is proving to be a popular solution as COVID-19 continues to disrupt businesses worldwide. In settings like offices and factories where logical access control systems are already in place, installing a biometric access system with temperature monitoring would help minimize the risks of the pandemic.


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